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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Agony of a poet

The poet in this scene is an annonymous poor Somali who lived in an era of misrule when the economy dwindled; he felt indignation despite being potentially overloaded with wonderful characteristics; his closest confidants did little to meet his few demands; he was manhandled, hagridden, imprisoned for his opposing views, underfed, and perhaps isolated in a dungeon he brainstormed and lucubrated during the various rules Somalia had been through.

This man, perhaps of feeble age, beset by trials and tribulations in his own native land, neither fits the category the esteemed English writer and traveller, Sir Richard Burton, referred to as poetitos, poetaccios and poetasters nor that of a religious scholar whose hue and cry is directed at a mademoiselle he so deeply loves, but rather depicts a poet among a nation of poets who felt abandoned and rejected and thrown into confusion as can be seen from the enormity of suffering endured under a despicable administration practicing gross injustices and broad corruption.
Guhaadka iga daa
Gudintaan qaatay yaan weli gawda kuhayaaye
Kumagooyin geedkaan larabay ee gumucda weynaaye
Gesinkii la iiqoray hadduusan genina dhaafeyn
hallaygato, hallayguumeysto ee gaar hallaysaaro
Googorad, garays, iyo guntiino gacanta ii saara
Golihii rag joogaba waa inaan ugooyaaye

Gabbal dhacay gebageba colaadeed intaan gaalib soo dhaafey
Gudcur dummay galal wada biyaha ee galawga yeedhaayo
Gurdan xoolaad meelaan lahayn intaan gararacleynaaye
Gu'gaan jiro garkayga gucumada kabaxay gacandha aad mooddo
Gurboodkii dhashay gadaashay waa kuwaa geeska iga taagan
Waa kuwaa garaadada garbaha loogu tolay ee gacanta seydhaaya
Waa kuwaa garuumada watee igu garaacaayo
Garbanaan gowraar cidla' ah intaan gaajo ku abaaday
Guri ba'ay oon garab lahayn intaan golongolheynaaye
Gacaladeydii gargaar iima gelin ee geyrka ma imaane
Guullaha garsoorka ahi goortuu gacanta ii buuxsho
Gelinkii geyarka ii galo ayaan garwaaqsiine
Guhaadka igadaa nin garaad yar yaa gaabsha weligiiseeeeee

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