Sunday, August 25, 2024

Battles of the Past

Introduction First and foremost, I would like to inform our ardent reader that I started writing this book on the 23rd of August, 2024. The most important point to ponder about–the most significant point that forced me to write it flouted after a deeper thought on the meaning of fundamentalism, terrorism, Jihadism, Islamophobia and other mindboggling and unprincipled terminologies that have been used in modern times by people having negative agendas against others having differing views and ideologies or religious following. All the above negative connotations evolved from people who are engrossed in confounding oppositional religious foundations–people having negative views and opinions about specific religions. An oft most misinterpreted word in the Islamic faith is Jihad whose Arabic root word is “Jahda”, meaning persecution when latinized. Since every language and religion appear to have unique interpretations of specific words, to overcome linguistic misinterpretations, adulterations and misunderstandings, I required thorough observation of the real etymological meaning of what Jihad entailed, when and how it is conducted, its significance, the durations of Jihad struggles and why it is important to safeguard human life and property without any fear or favor. Poor research endeavors are the major causes of scholarly malfeasance and academic disreputations. One who strives to defend his people against any form of persecution is called Mujahid in Arabic, while mujahidin are “those engaged in jihad.” Mujahidin are those who fight on behalf of Islam and the Muslim community and those under their protection. While the book focuses on how Muslims fought in different battles during Prophet Muhammads’ time, other battles will be given a closer look for the purpose of having a comparative study to avoid misinterpretation of past events. Unlike regular human to human altercations, battles that were spearheaded by prophets or messengers appear totally different because of the unanticipated divine interventions involving the presence of angels. The battles between Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and Nimrud (Nimrod) and that of Prophet Musa (Moses) and the Pharaoh of Egypt were wars or battles that involved unseen angels who may have appeared at times in the form of human beings, but invisible to the enemies and brotherly companion fighters. Prophetic battles were aimed at defending the divine religion of Islam that began with Prophet Adam and protecting defenseless believers who were persecuted by recalcitrant disbelieving leaders some of who claimed godhood, an example being the Pharaoh of Egypt who is presumed to have been Rameses. A closer look at the demise of the imperfect Muslim leaders after the last Muslim Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib left for the afterlife brought unnecessary political handicaps that evolved from disreputations and power wranglings among the top echelons of the successions of dynasties.

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Battles of the Past

Introduction First and foremost, I would like to inform our ardent reader that I started writing this book on the 23rd of August, 2024. The...