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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

My Contribution to Chapter Book in French Edition


Assamala AMOI - Odome ANGONE - Aïssata BA - Kadiatou BALDÉ - Bénédicte BIDJECK SONG - Koumanthio Zeinab DIALLO - Ann EL SAFI - Mariéme FAYE - Monique ILBOUDO - Fatoumata KANE KI-ZERBO - Oumou KANE - Fatoumata KEïTA- Germaine ANATÉ KOUMAÉLO - Adan MAKINA - Ndeye Dieynaba NDIAYE - Berth NTANGA - Yvonne OUATTARA - Nathasha PEMBA - Cécile SOW - Fatou Warkha SAMBE - Aîcha YATABARI - Mamadou CAMARA - Pape Bakary CISSOKO - Pape Ladjiké DIOUF - Ndongo MBAYE - Club des jeunes filles leaders de GUINÉE.
ISBN : 978-2-36296-011-6
French edition Chapter Book Jusqu'à ce que mort s'ensuive !: Livre collectif sur les violences basées sur le genre en Afrique (French Edition) meaning “Until Death Ensues!: Collective book on gender-based violence in Africa (French Edition).”

Military Theory

There’s military theory that defines and informs how war and warfare are conducted. [i] In modern military history, it is a requirement for...