Map of the World

Map of the World
Our World

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


By Hudhaifah Siyad
We always get moved by street kids’ life hustles, struggles and how they got neglected by their families, yet at most times people take no effort to help them. Actually most people want the street kids off the streets.
This poem is written from the perspective of a street kid.
If I were to take a minute and sit,
Sit next to you and narrate,
Narrate my being fro’ a lil script,
Would you like others Admit,
That I live a life of misfit?
If you were to see me cry,
The silent tear-less chocking cry,
Would you put a sorry across your face,
And brush the rest far from say?
Would you?
You would for sure, not care,
You would, like err’body in err’ corner,
Tap on the walls, if listening share,
You would, dare deny that not sincere.
If I were to fade away, go away,
Miles away, buried far away,
If I were to get away, escape away,
Would you take a minute, do away,
With all my worries, my take-aways?
Hudhaifah Siyad

Monday, October 6, 2014

Landforms Story

By Luqman Makina
Editor’s Note: The writer of this essay is a 7th grader who is interested in  animal and physical sciences.
It all started while I was hiking a trail in Colorado; I went up some rocks and kept going. I looked around to see where I was. It seemed like I was near a canyon. I kept going to see where I would end up. After a long while, I saw a small stream that looked like it was connected to a lake. I kept going to see where it would lead me. When I made it to the end, it was connected to a river which must have been connected to a larger body of water.
The next day, I went hiking some more to see what I would find. It seemed that the region was mostly made up of water. I went another way this time; this way went to a deserted area with a lot of sand. I looked around to observe the area. I found that the island where I was near was surrounded by water. I kept going and eventually saw a volcano. It was inactive though. As the time went by, I kept seeing all these different landforms.
LandformsLater on the day, I was hiking some more and saw that there was all this movement going on around me. There were animals interacting with each other. I saw all these different types of animals looking for food.
There were young animals running around interacting. Eventually I left and kept moving.
The next location I went to was a forest that was full of all these trees. I decided to look around and see what my relative location was. I was five trees to the left from the back entrance. As I looked around, I went a little further down and saw a valley. Near it was a mountain that stretched along the back of the valley. I decided to climb the mountain and see where I would end up.
The further I went around the island, the more landforms I saw. The next day I went to continue my hiking and found a beach. Along the shore were some eroded rocks which had been caused by movement of the ocean. The rocks kept going higher and higher and around until I was back where I had started. I went another path down to the other beach.
As I was walking, I went back to the forest and saw that there were animals running around looking for each other. There was a little fence that said it was made for the animals to be protected. This seemed like HEI which stands for Habitat Enhancement Initiative. I kept going and found another river except this one went into a bigger river. It must have been a tributary with the two rivers. At the end of the day, I went back home.
Luqman Makina
This article appeared on 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dimishiq: Magaalo Qaddiimi ah

Dimishiq, magaala madaxda Suuriya, waa magaalo taariikh dheer. Waxaa loo yaqaannaa "Luulkii Lama degaanka" (Pearl of the Desert). In kastoo lagu muransanyahay, dadka qaarkii waxay yiraahdaan waa halkii ay degganaayeen ummaddii Iram ee Qur'aanka ku sifeeyay "Irama daat al-Cimaad". Waxay lahaan jirtay xilligii Iram, daaro badan oo kolonyo ah oo safan.
Magaaladan waa magaalo qurux badan oo caan ku ah geedo, ubaxyo, iyo beero qurux badan. Sida ay taariikhda xuseyso, Dimishiq waxaa hormariyay dad kasoo hayaamay meelo kala duwan sida dhulka ku hareersan Badda Medhitereeniyanka, Koonfur-galbeed Aasiya, iyo gobollo ku dhow dhow.
Dimishiq waxaa soo maray boqortooyo kala nooc ah. Mar ayadaa gobollo kale qabsan jirtay marna ayadaa la qabsan jiray. Dagaalkii Labaad ee Dunida (1945-49) ayaa sii ba'an u baabi'yay guryo badan waxaana ka soo baxay dhul baaxad weyn oo bannaan ah oo loo rogay beero iyo dhul lagu indho doogsado.
Nebigeenna Suuban, Muxammad (SCW), asagoo la socdo adeerkiis Abuu Dhaalib, ayuu tegey Dimishiq. Quruxdii ay laheyd waagaasi waxaa ka soo warramay cag-ma-dhigihii reer Morooko ee la oran jiray Ibin Badhuudha sannadkii 1326. Waxaa uga sii horreeyay Ibin Jubeyr oo dul tegey magaaladani qaddiimiga ah sannadkii 1184. Sidoo kale, dhul mareenkii Reer Yurub ee la oran jiray Ludolph van Suchem, ayaa tegey Dimishiq runtiina wuxuu ku soo arkay qurux cajebisay.
Qoraagii Mareykanka ahaa marna shaactiroolaha ahaa ee la oran jiray Mark Twain ayaa asagana tegey Dimishiq sannadkii 1867 wuxuuna yiri, "wakhtigeeda laguma sifeeyo maalmo ama bilo, ee waxaa lagu sifeeyaa inta xukuumadood (boqortooyo) ee soo maray, qaar sare u kacay iyo qaar burburay" (fasiraad).

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Global War Between the Bearded and the Clean-Shaven

By Adan Makina

When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities.  David Hume
beard-walaThere is a silent war being waged in every corner of the world between the bearded Jihadists who want to prevent the spread of what they refer to as “materialist western influences” in the areas they control or intend to liberate and the clean-shaven western leaders determined to democratize the world and usher in an atmosphere of tranquility and liberation. Most often, Jihadists refer to clean shaven men, regardless of faith, as womanish, irreligious, satanic, pagans, and selfish disbelievers. On the other hand, the clean-shaven western leaders see the bearded Jihadists as fundamentalists, uncompromising tyrants and terrorists, retrogressive and oppressive, and retarded religious addicts. When western powers arrest suspected Jihadists or terrorists, their first course of action is to shave the suspect’s beards ad infinitum before initiating any interrogations while the Jihadists force their western prisoners to grow beards, trim their moustaches, and if applicable, convert them to their faith. Today’s men are divided into the bearded, clean-shaven, bewhiskered, mustached, and balding and those with mutton-chops, side burns, facial plumage, dreadlocks, and other types of facial hair styles. In historical antiquity, unshaven men came to be regarded as ‘barbarians” which implied the “unbarbered” or appearing untidy.
The history of shaving stretches back to thousands of years when copper was first discovered by early man. Ancient Egyptians shaved their beards and heads-a fashion adopted by the Greeks and Romans and applied by their armies as a deterrent aimed at discouraging the enemy from grabbing their hair during hand-to-hand combat. Even to this day, modern armies supply the bulk of shaving razors to the men and women in uniform as dishevelment is considered as a betrayal of the strict military code of ethics and good conduct. A serviceman or servicewoman who is not in the right military fatigues may be described as “improperly dressed” and could be subjected to harsher penalties.
Scipio Africanus Major (236-183 B.C.), the conqueror of Hannibal in 202 B.C, was highly regarded and copied in the region of Rome for establishing innovative approaches to being clean-shaven. Around 50 B.C., Julius Caesar (101-44 B.C.) used tweezers to remove body hair on a daily basis. And in the 4th century B.C., Alexander the Great encouraged the shaving of facial hair. Aztec Indians of North and Central America and some Central African tribes shaved with razors made from the volcanic glass obsidian. Between 1096 and 1270, Europe opened its eyes to the luxuries of Middle Eastern life with novel costumes, traditions, and toiletries greatly impacting the crusades.
Men have been bearded since time immemorial. Egyptian Pharaohs wore fake goatees as a sign of holiness, nobility, and kingship. One explanation for the goatees worn by the pharaohs was that pharaohs were in charge of or responsible for leading the flock (the people) to the right directions. The idea of the Pharaohs wearing fake goatees may have its roots in the male goats popular in the Egyptian landscape of those days. Because the leading goat known as the “He-goat” or “Billy-goat”, is, as you would expect, accountable for leading the rest of the goats or flock, likewise, pharaohs symbolized the “Billy-goat” role by wearing goatees for the sake of leading the flock spiritually, politically, and economically. Furthermore, as archeology and past Egyptian antiquity relate, Pharaohs’ goatees were made from goat skin.  Even the female Pharaoh, Hatshepsut, is represented wearing a false beard. Most Pharaonic statues and sarcophaguses display drawings or carvings of Pharaohs with fake beards.
In Islam, according to the Sunnah (traditions), the mustache is to be trimmed and the beard left untouched though the beard has become a symbol to be scoffed at in modern times. Muslims are divided whether it is Haraam (prohibited) to shave the beard or Mustahabb (a good act), not to shave. Besides the beards, Muslims are encouraged to shave or trim pubic hair every 40 days as an act of hygiene. Muslim Sheikhs, Hindu Gurus, Sages, some Christian priests (depending on denomination), and Hasidic Rabbis keep beards as a sign of religious devotion and leadership. In Judaism, it is strictly forbidden to shave with a razor. The use of scissors which is double-bladed is preferred instead. The Book of Leviticus and the Book of Ezekiel have regulations on the shaving of the beard for priests. In some Jewish sects, there is a prohibition on the shaving of the corners of the head with particular emphasis on the marring of the corners of the beard for the priests. A practice known as tonsure, which is the cutting of hair from the scalp of clerics, devotees or holy people as an act of reproof of worldly sparkle and admiration, is common among Buddhist monks and novices, some Hindu temples, mystics and Christian churches.
The patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church is bearded. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church has full-blown beard. The founder of the Sikhism, Guru Nanak, was bearded and is revered by millions of followers. Sikh men are prohibited from shaving their beards. The head of the Egyptian Coptic Church, Bishop Shenouda III, the 117th, Pope and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, is bearded. Some former Communist leaders like Karl Max, Vladimir I. Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Che Guevara, were all bearded. So was the Iranian revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. Popular African leaders who were bearded include the former President of Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta, and Ethiopia’s former Emperor, Haile Selassie.
Of the 44 Presidents of the United States, the current President-elect included, only five were fully bearded.  They were Abraham Lincoln (though he was clean-shaven one time), Rutherford Hayes, General Ulysses Grant, James Garfield, and Benjamin Harrison. Statistically, 90 % or 94 million of American men over the age of 15 will shave 275 times per year or 20,000 times between the ages of 15 and 75.
With the advancement of razor technology, it is easier to trim and shave today than never before. The discovery of modern razors marshaled the era of the Wilkinson razor founded in London in 1772, and Gillette, founded in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A, by King C. Gillette in 1901. Besides, the fabrication of these obsolete razors into modern hand-held electric and battery operated machines that rotate thousands of times a minute and the marvelous demonstration of some razors that sense and avoid cutting into skin, have, in the course of history, become a source of jubilation for women and men shavers and trimmers alike.
Paradoxically, materialism and the fervent inclination towards the clean-shaven cheeks philosophy has altered the profile of the beard and reduced it to a symbol of fear and ridicule. Nonetheless, since the 9/11 incident of 2001 that shook the United States and the simultaneous bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, security at major world airports have been tightened with much scrutiny and heightened focal points shifting to bearded men exhibiting suspicious activities and unintelligible languages. On the other hand, the Bali bombings of Indonesia, the recent 2008 Mumbai bombings in India and other subsequent terrorist activities in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Pakistan, have, succinctly, created so many twists and turns in global security such that so many legal amendments aimed at curbing the spread of fanaticism and other forms of narcissistic tendencies that undermine peace, security, and democracy have been formulated by nations united in the fight against terrorism.
Despite global beard phobia, mustache and beard competitions draw great crowds every two years with the last attraction held in Brighton, England, on September 1, 2007-a prime example of how facial hair is grabbing international headlines. The next event will be hosted by the South Central Alaska Beard and Moustache Board and is scheduled to be held in Anchorage, Alaska, on May 23, 2009 with the Anchorage Convention and Visitors Board being in the list of major sponsors. Perhaps, every man who participates in this event will have one thing in mind: win a fabulous prize or trophy and emerge a world champion in the Guinness Book of Records.
Despite the splendor and glamour of the forthcoming Anchorage Beard and Moustache Competition, the war between the clean-shaven democratic leader and the bearded Jihadist will continue for an infinite period until the very moment when the conqueror and vanquished emerge after massive damage had been done and uncountable innocent lives lost. History has its eyes on when the Jihadist conqueror will, in the closing stages, force the vanquished clean-shaven western leader to grow beards once again or when the victorious clean-shaven western leader will clean-shave the subdued bearded Jihadist. This brings us to the conclusion that the war being fought between the Jihadist and the clean-shaven leader is nothing but ideological. It is a war of minds and a bitter struggle for the world’s dwindling resources. It is about territorial gains, natural resources, command of the seas, and influence of a wider scale.
Adan Makina
This article was previously published on WardheerNews, Dec 23, 2008 .

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Public Policy and Social Change

When used effectively, public policy can be a powerful tool to effect social change. Changing how society lives requires thorough thought and reflection. Implementing social change also requires commitment to the cause, living up to expectations, getting the approval of society through communication, and monitoring the effects it will have on society. Because of the many failures associated with policymaking, policymakers have a responsibility to remain focused on how the policies they legislate impact society. Millions of dollars may be spent on a certain public policy yet fail to materialize in the end. 

Currently, the American society is watching with keen interest the contentious tax policy issues being debated by the line-up of party presidential hopefuls competing to win the race to the White House. While taxation is a way of generating the financial resources required to run a government, public resentment can at times lead to tax evasions that drain the national economy. With fair taxation, government can be assured that business owners will not flee with their money for safe keeping in foreign countries. It is a social responsibility when lawmakers ensure business owners feel at home.

Organizations that conduct business in foreign lands have a responsibility to protect the indigenous or local people they encounter. Exploiting the environment and then leaving it depleted is a big plunder that can have catastrophic effects on entire humanity. Overworking or underpaying the locals that do the hard work is against the foundations of public policy.

Having a reliable public policy in place means that the living conditions of society will be sustained, their level of education elevated, and their health needs put to the fore. Seeing policy networks become internationally accepted norms means that governments have now more responsibilities than ever before when it comes to meeting the demands of society. Policy networks are state-interest relations (Thatcher, 1998) and inter-organizational with informal approaches.


Thatcher, M. (1998). The development of policy network analyses: From modest origins to overarching frameworks. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 10(4), 389–416.

Philosophy of Science

For a long time, a section of scientists have been in the forefront of confronting what fellow scientists perceived as the best approach to the philosophy of science. Science, being a broad subject according to one’s philosophical thoughts, has been undergoing constant changes such that diverse views and ideas exist among contemporary scientists who continue to challenge previous scientific settings. What Creswell (2009) perceives as ‘worldview’ is perceived by others as “paradigms, epistemologies and ontologies, or broadly conceived research methodologies” (p. 6). Philosophy of science (commensurability) pertains to anticipated implications, methods of applications, assumptions used, and foundations that stand as the basis for arguments. Where philosophy exists to clarify propositions and settle controversies surrounding the limitations of natural science (Gattei, 1995), science pursues the relevance of logic.

Epistemology, a branch of philosophy, is concerned with the “study of” and that it addresses questions such as: what is knowledge? How is it acquired? How can a given subject or entity be known? From the Greek word epistēmē, epistemology is concerned with analyzing the nature of knowledge by using justifications to come to the right answer. This is done in order to brush aside skepticisms. In essence, epistemology is the study of the theory of knowledge. Paradigm is used to show, point out, exhibit or expose distinct concepts in a scientific field. Likewise, paradigm can be used to delineate scientific disciplines at any given time. Ontology pertains to the philosophical study of the existence, reality, and nature of entities. 


Creswell, J. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Gattei, S. (1995). Karl Popper’s philosophy of science: Rationality without foundations. Routledge studies in the philosophy of science. ISBN 0-203-88719-0 Mater e-Book 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Tax Levy

Taxes levied by the government should not discourage work in any way and there should be little distortion as tax should be distributed fairly. Since the 1986 tax reform, there have been more than 1,500 changes to the tax code (Mankiw, 2009). It has been generally agreed that equity and efficiency are the two most important goals that drive the tax system. In the past, the major revenue for construction of highways and bridges came from gasoline taxes but because of inflation and enhanced fuel efficiency, there has been a drop in the effectiveness of the gas tax (Vincent, 2007). Such problems have led to states to finding unconventional funding for highway construction. In the states of California and Virginia, city planners and government officials foresee public-private partnerships as the best way to finance highway construction. This is done to advance efficiency and equity since public-private partnership in highway construction rests on two ideals: (1) that tapping private equity will increase the needed capital in the private sector and that (2) there is the belief that the private sector is more steadfast and competent than its public counterpart.

Economists have often referred to alcohol and tobacco taxes as Pigovian taxes, named after Arthur Pigou (1877-1959), because of the negative effects the two have on the human health or society at large. Corrective taxes are usually imposed by the government to discourage society from consuming alcohol and cigarettes to socially optimum level. Other than alcohol and cigarettes, corrective taxes may also apply to soda and to other activities such as vehicle exhaust emissions that are deemed to cause pollution. Usually, the government will tax activities that have negative externalities and subsidize activities showing signs of positive externalities. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for overseeing activities that cause harm to the environment. Governments impose corrective taxes on gasoline tax because of the need to reduce congestion, accidents, and environmental pollution.

Property owners pay property taxes at a given time frame or a given period every year. They fall under the corrective tax category. Since vehicle owners operate machinery that causes damage to the highways, imposing corrective taxes to repair or construct highways will be to their advantage. Education, social welfare, and highways received the biggest share of spending by local governments for the year 2005 (Mankiw, 2009). A tax benefit is like installing an energy efficient system in your home which in turn reduces energy consumption for a limited period. A tax benefit could be distortionary and have unintended consequences. An example of a distortionary tax is biodiesel which costs more to produce than the regular petroleum diesel. Modifications could be made to tax collection system and amount if they deemed beneficial to society.


Mankiw, N.G. (2009). Principles of Macroeconomics (5h ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.
Vincent, K. (2007). Public private partnerships in highway infrastructure. Conference Papers-Western Political Science Association. Retrieved from 

Consequences of Raising Taxes or Reducing Expenditures

The survival of a government depends on the amount of taxes it collects from businesses and individuals that it protects or calls citizens. Raising taxes affects everyone as it reduces the amount of money one can own or have in possession. Raising taxes is common in any government as there is always the need to make changes to the monetary circulation a government can have. Governments raise taxes to stay on track and ensure the economy is in good shape. No government would like to be embroiled in simmering bankruptcy.

Raising taxes gives criminals leverage over control of commodities because contraband becomes commonplace as criminals move large quantities of hoarded commodities across territories to make hefty profits. Raising taxes does not replenish the public purse in anyway; instead it pushes economic activity away from the general market thus allowing buying and selling activities to become surreptitious. Consequently, commodities will end up underground in an environment that is far from the reach of legal authorities. According to Hyman (2011), the mention of tax in the U.S. brings a reflection of April 15 when federal and state income taxes become due. Taxation was so unpopular in the 19th century United States such that it was impossible to administer (Hyman, 2011).

Raising taxes strangles consumer expenditure. People spend when they have money to spend. Taxing people means they have less money to spend. Raising taxes leads to reduced Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and also causes the economy to contract. On the other hand, reducing taxes allows the economy to grow. Tax increases can have negative consequences on employment. Taxing businesses and individuals can lead to budget cuts and layoffs. Reducing taxes allows employees to create more jobs.

A tax hike is bad for investment because businesses will be forced to pull out of markets. Those investing in stock markets will be compelled to cease competition because of the rising taxation that diminishes their investment power. Raising taxes is the gateway to increased crime and poverty. When the government raises taxes on the people, homelessness, evictions and foreclosures become commonplace and income diminishes and wages plummet. Reducing expenditures has its consequences. Governments, mainly those engaged in military confrontations, have been found to increase expenditure to counter rebellion (Collier, 2006).

Designing a Balanced Budget Amendment without Cutting Back Expenditures or Raising Taxes in an Economic Downturn

Balancing the budget has become a common phenomenon in the United States. Politicians often struggle to come up with measures that they think valuable in terms of avoiding economic downturns. When revenues equal expenditures and neither any sort of deficit nor surplus exist, economists see a balance in the budget. Using Keynesian economics, mainstream economics usually prefer a cyclical balanced budget which is balancing the budget cyclically or over the economic cycle and not necessarily budgeting year-to-year.

There are two clashing sides on budget issues: those who believe the government should raise taxes and those who believe the government should spend less. Balancing the budget is important for a government that wants to avoid overspending as it also places a check on official representatives who are fond of free spending. Without a balanced budget, politicians and agencies will be tempted to hide money belonging to the government. Money held secretly may be dispensed later for personal selfish gains by the same politicians and agencies. Balancing the budget helps the government to account for every penny and overcome rampant fraud and waste. Currently, the U.S. government is working on measures to reduce discretionary spending to jumpstart job creation and find skills for American workers. 

Collier, P. (2006). War and military expenditure in developing countries and their consequences for development. The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 1(1), 10-14.
Hyman, D.N (2011). Public finance: A contemporary application of theory to policy (10th ed.). South-Western, Cengage Learning. 

Local and StateTaxes

Getting rid of of local and state sales taxes and substituting them with uniform sales taxes such that it would become the prerogative of the federal government do the collection and subsequently give back to state governments in piecemeal would gradually set a wrong precedent and usher in centralization which is alien to democratic governance. The constitution of the United States has been crafted in such a way that states enjoy independence and freedom that allow them to run their affairs without federal government involvement and meddling.

According to Bowen, Haynes, and Rosentraub (2006), states spend tax dollars with the view of developing their economies in the fields of education, social and safety programs, and healthcare. Giving the federal government what would have been the prerogative of state governments would undermine infrastructural development and lower the living standards of citizens in all states. When states collect local and sales taxes, there is that sense of ease and competition and the tendency to prosper to a desired level.

Devolution of power, a significant model of governance that spreads power such that states enjoy the right to administer state public policies, is a vital tool for increasing state and local government responsibilities especially the formulation of local laws, and the delivery of goods and services without federal government involvement (Bae, 2008). State and local governments are more capable than the federal government in the delivery of goods and services to the local population. The closeness of state and local government to the people in need of goods and services and the efficiency of service delivery is one factor that cannot be ignored. States have a better role to play in local and state matters than the federal government.

Retail taxes are usually generated from individual purchases from sales transactions. A sales tax is a tax levied on a buyer when a product is purchased for its usefulness (Hyman, 2011). Retail taxes emerge during transactions. In essence, in the cause of transaction, the buyer acts as a government intermediary.

It would be futile to carry out representative and encompassing service stipulation to society from sales tax managed by a federal government. The impact from transferring such a tax to a central administration would be catastrophic for the national economy as their would be a lot of mismanagement, inconsistencies, and incongruities resulting from the transfer of sales tax management to a generally powerful jurisdiction such as the federal government in Washington, DC. The notion of democracy is based on the devolution of power and also separation of powers. This system allows local jurisdictions to craft streamlined systems that make their operations attainable in a manner that brings in satisfaction in the effective delivery of goods and services to the population inhabiting in that jurisdiction.

Transferring local and sales taxes to a central authority would undermine state development and lower human progress especially the social and economic sectors that will be severely impacted by mismanagement ultimately spearheading drastic decline in the effective delivery of goods and services. The notion of freedom that is enshrined in the constitution will also be undermined and the general national administration will be akin to authoritarianism as the state and local governments will be deprived of the rights and privileges enjoyed previously. There will be mismanagement of taxes as some states would receive better preferential treatment than others.

The men and women on the helm in the central headquarters will be driven by favoritisms and affection for states inclined to their political ideals and philosophical thoughts. There is no question that humans have inherent sense of irrationality and preferences for people of like mind and ideas. Any preferential treatment of a state over another state would result in massive migration of people seeking better opportunities and avoiding burdening taxation in their original areas of settlement. Taxation is a government monetary imposition that cause reduction to citizen finances and that is why many abhor it altogether. However, despite citizenry abhorrence of taxation, what is worth comprehending is the significance taxation has on human progress especially when jurisdictions resourcefully and effectively deliver goods and services as demanded without any lapse whatsoever. There are nations on this planet that are free of taxation. However, people pay more for services such as plethora of commodities, groceries, insurance premiums, diesel and gas, electrical and heating utilities, water and garbage collection, school tuition, and other amenities to supplement the missing taxation. 

It would be improper to tax people and redistribute from a government-managed central jurisdiction. This would place a strain on the progress of local and state jurisdictions. In a nutshell, local and state jurisdictions would be unable to make recommendations to the central authority and as well be unable to design a formality that would usher in progress and prosperity to their areas of jurisdictions. On the other hand, the central government would have a hard time making universally encompassing deliberations on tax dispositions in such an expansive nation like the United States.

Centralization of taxation has failed in many authoritarian and dictatorial regimes where hunger and starvation, abject poverty and underdevelopment are the norm. The decline of national infrastructure in undemocratic countries results from poor management of national revenues and other sources of finances. Gross injustices and political decline visible in undemocratic countries emanate from mishandling of the overall governing structures that is based on individual philosophical thoughts as opposed to uniform social deliberations and freedom of choice. Thus, centralization of taxation is inconsistent with modern governance.

Taxation handled by a single governing entity would accelerate a decline in people’s purchasing power. However, since not all jurisdictions share equal resources, the federal government would be tempted to impose hefty taxation on states and local jurisdictions that it finds having significant resources. Likewise, the federal government would put more emphasis on the development of the region having potential for resource production such as in the fields of petroleum, forestry, fisheries, industries, education, medicine and pharmaceutical products, and mineral extraction.

In 2009, the total revenue raised by state governments from sales tax was 30% (Hyman, 2011). Some states depend more on revenues generated from retail sales than others such as Washington which accounted for 63% of total tax collections in the year 2009. Sales and retail taxes are regressive in nature and they are higher for low-income tax-payers. E-commerce, a modern way of conducting business over the internet is gaining ground as consumers become more adept at using this innovative technology. In e-commerce, transactions are usually done between businesses to business where taxation is nonexistent. One problem with the state sales tax is that government and nonprofit organizations are exempted from taxation during transactions. The aging of society may also impact sales tax revenue in the near future.

According to Hyman (2011), retail sales taxes are the prerogative of local and state government and never administered by the federal government. This is already an answer to the question that drives this essay. It was first enacted in New York in the 1930s because there was desire for stable revenue source. In most local and state governments, the administrative costs of running a government are made possible by retail sales taxes. It would be extremely difficult for any local and state government to administer a jurisdiction without collecting state and local taxes. Thus, transferring these taxes to a central government for redistribution would undermine the effective administration of local and state governments.




Bae, S. (2008). Revenue, growth, structure and burden across state and local revenue sources: The impact of state budgetary rules.  Conference Papers-Midwestern Political Science Association. Department of Public Administration: San Francisco State University
Bowen, W.M., Haynes, M.E., & Rosentraub, M.S. (2006). Cities, tax revenues, and a state’s fiscal future: The value of major urban centers. Public Budgeting and Finance, 26 (1), 47-65. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5850.2006.00838.x.

Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.


The Consequences of Debt

The U.S. is moving deeper and deeper into debt and there is little sign that it is getting out of this problem. According to Hyman (2011, debt can have impact on future generations who have to shoulder the responsibility of repaying that debt. The burden of debt causes reduction of income on future generations because they will have to live with compulsory tax for a long time to come. While foreign borrowing can stimulate the economy for a certain period of time, what is hard to tackle or avoid are the long term implications debt may have on the economy and on society as a whole. A case in point is when, in 1982, the nation of Mexico declared that it was no longer in a position to service its foreign debts (Were, 2001). Despite being an oil producer, Mexico was left to live with the long term implications of foreign debt.

Debt inundates the market with surplus goods and services, competition becomes cutthroat, and consumers will have less to spend. Environmental protection becomes less of a priority with explosive debt, jobs diminish, and there will be an increased movement of corporations to poor overseas countries. Debt forces producers to borrow more money consequently accelerating price hikes and interest rates. Debt held by foreign interests can have long term implications for the U.S. Because Americans don’t save much, the government will be compelled to keep on borrowing from foreign entities such as China. Americans have more concern for U.S. borrowing from China than the political situation and confrontation with Iran (Zhang, 2012).

With increase of debt we will see flooding of cheaper goods lacking value, merger of corporations leading to bigger and bigger conglomerations, and retailers embarking on the importation of goods produced in countries where wages are extremely low. Foreign debt leads to furious competition in international trade. Instead of exporting goods and services, debt forces nations to import which is a sign of weakening economy. Consequently, nations with bigger deficits run to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for bail out an example being Third World countries notably in Africa Asia who are dependent on the IMF when there economies get worse.


Hyman, D.N. (2011). Public finance: A contemporary application of theory to policy (10th). South-Western, Cengage Learning.
Were, M. (2001). Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis. Retrieved from

Zhang, M. (2012). Are foreign holdings of U.S. national debt a threat to our economy? Retrieved from

Centralization versus Decentralization

The opposite of a centralized government, a decentralized government is a government whose power is spread out and is not restricted to a central place. Decentralization is synonymous with devolution, transference, delegation, and transfer. Decentralization is prominent in curtailing the powers of government and enhancing the powers of individual representatives. A decentralized government is closer to the people than a centralized government that is far from people’s reach. A decentralized government can be held accountable for its misdeeds; its successes and failures can be documented and if possible challenged by the citizens it serves. One very important aspect of a decentralized government is that it gives the ordinary citizen the right to vote on the right kind of public service that is open for consumption by the public. In a centralized government such freedom is not available to the citizen.

Decentralization of power allows the locals to question when something is wrong with the government. Lower levels of government become easily manageable with decentralization. Decentralization gives the local government the power and will to provide public goods and services that serve the common good. With a federal system, there are checks and balances, and chain of command. Because citizens have no access to the upper levels of government, through decentralized power, arrangements can be made for the lower government to have consultations with the upper echelons of the state. In a decentralized government, the lower level of government is allowed to make arrangements for training new officials. Voting is a vital and significant tool in a federal system.

Problems emanating from maladministration by a decentralized government can be averted when states object to the use of wrong policy implementations. When one state fails to implement a policy, other states may opt not to use that same policy for fear of also failing. Decentralization and federalism go hand in hand in rigid democracies. A strong and vibrant local government is possible when there is a real democracy. In federalism and decentralism, power sharing is vertical with multi-layered governments enjoying autonomous rule that is free from the central government in some aspects.

According to Hyman (2011), politicians seeking office are usually driven by the urge for power, personal financial returns after vacating office, the desire to serve the public, and prestige coming as a result of holding a high office. The redistribution of income becomes the prerogative of the various sectors that make up the decentralized government. The federal, state, and local governments each have their roles to play in a decentralized system. When the federal government oversees the national security, the role of the state is to provide good roads and reliable bridges, while the local government provides fire and police protection. Leaving the provision of goods and services to the federal government would make life unbearable for the ordinary citizen as many goods and services would be distributed inequitably and inefficiently.


Hyman, DN. (2011). Public finance: A contemporary application of theory to policy (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Global Social and Technological Advancement

Changes in technology and advancement in social services have tremendously impacted the delivery of public and private goods, negatively or positively, depending on geographic location. Some part of society may be attracted to technological innovation more than others. Technology has been friendlier to the youth and to the educated elite because of their lifestyles and love of modern tools and technology. Advances in technology have allowed humanity to enjoy the luxuries that come with public and private goods.
Technology is better placed in advanced democracies than in sluggish autocratic or authoritarian regimes where economic strangulation, economic retardation, political obscurantism, underdevelopment, human rights violations, and control of general societal development prevail. Nations that have advanced in the use of technological tools include those in North America, Western Europe, and in Australasia. Economic factors and freedom contribute to technological distribution and use.
Benefits from public goods can be shared unlike private goods that are consumed by individuals who purchase the private good based on their ability to purchase. A public good is like the national defense where its consumption is shared by all as every citizen has to be defended by the arsenals of weapons in use in case of aggression. Streetlights are another example of public goods. Others include clean air and light houses that equally benefit the general public without one person enjoying the significance of that public good more than the other person.
To avoid working in hazardous conditions and overcome the risk of purchasing products of concern, citizens look to their governments for information. It is a government prerogative to oversee economic stabilization and engage in monetary and fiscal policy implementations to deter unemployment and economic downfall.
Efficiency leads to confidence and an increase in purchasing power. Efficient distribution of products and resources elevates consumer confidence. A change in welfare distribution is trade-off that leads to improvement in efficiency. Efficiency is best attained in a perfectly competitive market system as everyone’s monetary income depends on the amount of production in resources owned and returns obtained. However, income distribution is dependent on individual willingness and ability to pay (Hyman, 2011).
Public goods may be categorized as non-rival or rival. Public goods are non-rival in consumption because they can be consumed by many in a given locality. An example of non-rival good is television and radio transmissions. Because of the non-exclusion characteristic, pure public goods are non-rival. Private goods are considered rival in consumption because of the competition among consumers.
The value and worth of public and private goods delivery and transfer of business transactions is best determined when there is efficiency and social equity. Life becomes up to standard and comfortable in nature when there is a streamlined delivery of public and private goods and equitable distribution of social services. Humans tend to decline services that are not worth and out-of-date. Citizens prefer to pay for public goods in accordance with the benefits they get from that public service (Mikesell, 2011). The same applies to private services or public goods.
Changes in income alter human consumption of goods. The introduction of the welfare system such as the food stamps program allows many to become free riders. Free rider is at times seen as having the same characteristics as the Tragedy of Commons. The fact that free riders do not contribute to the food stamps and other supplemental nutrition programs, advocates opposed to spending feel it causes financial strain on the laboring, tax paying citizen. 
According to Hyman (2011), there is no unanimously agreed upon and appropriate manner when it comes to distributing goods and services to consumers. Pure private goods cannot be supplied by the government and financing cannot be made through taxation.
Technology has tremendously altered the way humans consume goods and services. In recent times, technology has played a vital role in the delivery of healthcare and healthcare services. People are getting advanced medical attention and better treatment options. States, counties, and smaller jurisdictions have seen the proliferation of hospitals regardless of whether they are public or private. Technology has simplified how hospitals operate and patients’ waiting periods have been slashed to almost a half. Nowadays, patients can be operated on by specially trained doctors and nurses using advanced equipments and modern tools.
Many from the outside world, including Kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers, CEOs, and ordinary wealthy individuals come to the US to seek medical attention in hospitals such as John Hopkins Hospital, Mayo Clinic, and other reputedly advanced medical institutions treating such diseases as cancer and brain injuries and other serious diseases that cannot be treated anywhere else except the US. Majority of these hospitals, because of advancement in technology and resource distribution, are either publicly or privately owned.
In modern times, businesses have prospered significantly as a result of internet communication. Business transactions have become more widespread with the proliferation of internet technology. The United States leads the world when it comes to conducting business on the internet. Business is more robust and diversified especially during the holidays. Millions of Americans buy gifts over the internet and then send to friends and relatives without even seeing the product being shipped. Shipping companies and the post office have been experiencing increased traffic due to demand and supply.
Thus, this novel business transaction has emerged as the most valuable tool in the dissemination of products and information. Business over the internet is being conducted efficiently and equitably. Transfer of products and services have been increasing over time. Big ground transportation companies have taken the lead transferring tons of materials, gadgets, and other equipments ordered over the internet. The airline industry also plays a major role shipping public and private goods far and wide. The marine industry, though slower than road transportation and air travel, has also increased its business acumen. The tonnage of materials being shipped overseas has been increasing yearly as result of the production of advanced freighters that travel great distances.
Big corporations have transformed the way they do business. At times, it is not necessary to ship heavy or light equipments, books, toys, or other necessities abroad. Since many corporations have now branches in many parts of the world, delivery can be done by an overseas company that has the ordered product in its stores. Someone living in New York can order a laptop for a friend or a relative living in a slum in a developing country. Delivery of the item will be performed by a branch store located in the country of destination.
Income plays a great role in modern economics. Many destitute people get public goods provided by their governments while the affluent and wealthy rely heavily on private goods according to their financial capabilities. Welfare economics has undergone tremendous changes and these changes have been made possible by human advancement in the science of economics. The world has become a global village and no wonder the consumption or production of goods has been advancing with each passing day. As the world continues to change and goods and service increase, the manner of conducting transactions will also change for the better unless otherwise unnecessary restrictions emerge.
Hyman, D.N. (2011). Public finance: A contemporary application of theory to policy (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Mikesell, J.L. (2011). Fiscal administration: Analysis and applications for the public sector (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadswoth, Cengage Learning.

Social Deliberation and Political Equilibrium

When society deliberates on issues pertaining to their needs, they follow established rules and political guidelines that make their actions legally acceptable. For the sake of bringing in changes that benefit everyone involved, citizens make public choices to advance their political agendas. People make their voices heard by contacting their representatives through the use of postal mail, social media, e-mail, and voting in select locations among other things. Bringing changes to the living conditions of constituents is one of the most burning issues that face elected representatives. In turn, elected representatives find means to ensuring their constituents remain satisfied by deliberating on significant issues that need to be addressed in political forums. This system of interaction is only possible in democratic systems.

Societies living under authoritarian or dictatorial regimes often suffer exclusion, marginalization, stratification, censorship, oppression, and coercion. In non-democratic systems, it is the government that makes decisions concerning the production of goods and services without consulting the mass. This system of administration contravenes human needs and expectations and society’s inalienable rights to freedom and opportunities. Import of goods and services becomes the prerogative of select individuals who have been shoved into office without public scrutiny and open electoral selection. The public benefits little from the export of goods and services in draconian governing institutions.

According to Hyman (2011), political processes are rules contained in a nation’s constitution. It is up to the citizen to cast vote or take part in an election and vote for the representative who will carry the issue of political contention forward for approval. The theory of public choice evolved as a means to ensuring people’s choices influences the democratic political process. In essence, it is a theory that has been formulated in such a manner that it studies how goods and services are supplied by governments through the observance of efficiency and equity. In a modern democracy, each individual citizen is allowed one vote to influence election processes.

Political equilibrium

Equilibrium is a situational change especially in markets when demand and supply are in par or are equal while equilibrium price is when there is a balance between quantity supplied and quantity demanded. Politics defines how a nation’s economy functions and it is the working relationships between the voter and the representative that help shape the effective delivery of a nation’s goods and services. Taxation is the major tool that advances the operation of the police and national defense. These two institutions are significant in the preservation of law and order and without them it is difficult to keep the law. While the police are responsible for internal security and fighting crime including corruption and other public malpractices, the national defense defends the nation from outside aggression. Nations that have weak police force and disorderly armies tend to collapse as a result of security lapse.

Interest groups have been gaining ground in modern times with the world seeing the proliferation of these groups in all aspects of society. Interest groups usually lobby for causes that serve their interests. When a government experiences the rise of an interest group, such that an administrative takeover evolves, society has to shoulder the maximum cost as distribution will be in favor of the most powerful. The negative administrators imposed by bureaucrats at times bring in deadweight loss and losses in political transaction costs.

 Taxes are compulsory deductions paid by citizens of a nation. Part of these taxes is what makes the existence of a police force and national defense possible. While ordinary citizens may abhor government action on their income, the benefits they get in return for protection is worth taking.


Hyman, D.D. (2011). Public finance: A contemporary application of theory to policy (10th ed.).

Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Odhaahda Tifaftirk:Tan iyo intii ka dambeysay burburkii dawladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya, waxaa isa soo tarayay kobaca waxbarashada sare ee Soomaaliya, waxaana waddanka laga hirgeliyay jaamacaddo tiro badan. Kuwaas oo ku kala baahsan gobollada dalka oo dhan. Jaamacaddahaas tirada badani, run ahaantii  dhibatooyin iyo durrufo kaleba ha iska jiraane haddana waxay dabooleen illaa xad baahiyihii dhanka tacliinta sare ee ka jiray dalka inkastoo ay ku jiraan kuw badan oo aan u qalmin magaca Jaamacad.
Jaamacaddaha dalka ka jira waxaa ka mid ah Jaamacadda Kismaayo (JK) oo iyada sanadihii labada kun badhtamahoodii laga hirgeliyay magaala madaxda gobolka Jubbada Hoose ee Kismaayo. Si aan haddaba wax uga ogaano marxaladihii kala duwanaa ee ay soo martay Jaamacadda Kismaayo iyo guud ahaanba heerka waxbrasho ee jaamacadda, waxaanu wareysi la yeelanay madaxa Jaamacadda Kismaanyo Dr Maxamed Weli. Wareysiga waxaa qaadday Adan Makina oo ka tirsan bahda WardheerNews.
WardheerNews (WDN): Ugu horreyn kusoo dhowoow WardheerNews.
Dr Maxamed Weli
Dr. Maxamed wali Madaxa Jaammacadda Kismaayo (JK):  Marka hore waxaan salaamayaa bahda iyo inta kutaxan oo idil waxaana leeyahay Asalaamu calaykum waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu, waana dhawahay walaal.
WDN: Goormaa la billaabay Jaammacadda Kismaayo, Yaase billaabay oo iska lahaa fikradda aas-aaskeeda?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: Waxaa la  billaabay 1-9-2005, waxayna ahayd waqti ay bulshada ku nool Jubbooyinka ay aad ugu baahnaayeen waxbarashada  sare, waxaana xusid mudan in ay jaamacadda Kismaayo ay tahay Jaamacaddii ugu horraysay oo laga hirgaliyo magaalada Kismaayo  abidkeed taariikhda Soomaaliya.
Waxaa iska lahaa fikirka lagu aasaasay  Jaamacadda Kismaayo Hay’adda Tawfiq Welfare Society iyo khubaro ku xeel dheer waxbarashada sare oo iskaashaday, waxayna sameeyeen cilmi baaris la xiriirta aqoonta sare iyo baahida ay bulshadu u qabto, ujeeddaduna, waxaa kale oo ay jawaab u ahayd in Jamciyadda Tawfiiq ka jawaabto baahida la xiriirta ardayda ka qalin jabisay dugsiga Jubba oo ay gacanta ku haysay maamulkiisa iyo waliba arday kale oo ka qalin jabisay  labada dugsi oo kale oo markaa ka jiray magaalada Kismayo, si loo helo shabakad waxbarasho oo heerar kala duwan ah, iskuna xiran. Jamciyadda Tawfiiq waxay ku guulaysatay in ay dhisto nidaam waxbarasho oo ka bilowda heer hoose ilaa heer sarena gaarsiisan.
WDN: Yaa baxshey ama yaa iska kaashaday dhaqaalaha lagu dhisay jaamacadda?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: Jaamacadda Kismaayo waxay leedahay xarrun balaadhan oo dhacda waqooyiga magaalada Kismayo oo ka kooban qaybaha kala duwan ee ay jaamacaduhu u baahan yihiin, waxaana ka qaybqaatay dhisidda xarruntan Bangiga Horumarka Islaamka ee kuyaala Jidda, Sacuudi Carabiya iyo hay’ado kale oo kasoo jeedda waddamada Carabta, iyo ganacsato Soomaaliyeed oo ka soo jeedda goballada Jubbooyinka. Dhinaca hawl galinta jaamacadda waxaan ku wadnaa lagacta (fee) aan ka qaadno ardayda dhigata jaamacadda Kismayo iyo maalgelinta hay’adda Towfiiq.
WDN: Wax ma nooga sheegi kartaa dhismayaasha ay jaamacaddu ka koobantahay?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: Jaamacaddu waxay leedahay saddex xarrumood. Tan  ugu wayn waxay ku taallaa  Waqooyiga magaalada Kismaayo,,waxayna ka ka kooban tahay 5 dhismo sida qolalka waxbarshada, Maamulka, Maktabadda, Masaajidka iyo Kaafteeriyada.  Labada xarrumood ee kale  waxay dhacaan maagalada gudaheeda. Mid waa isbitaalka Jaamacadda Kismaayo wuxuuna raacsanyahay Kuliyadda caafimaadka, xarrunta kalena waxaa wax ku barta ardayda kuliyadaha kale.
WDN: Ma jirtaa wax kaalmo ah oo aad ka heshaan dawladda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Wasaaradda Waxbarashada?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: wax kaalmo ah oo naga soo gaartay Dawlada soomaaliya ee fadaraalka ah ma jirto ilaa iyo hadda , laakiin jaamacaddu waxay aqoonsi buuxa ka haysataa Wasaaradda Tacliinta Sare ee Fadaraalka.
Waxaa iyana xusid mudan in xarrunta wayn ee jaamacadda ay maamulka Jubbaland iyo ciiddamada AMISOM xoog ku qabsadeen bishii Oktober 2012, markay magaalada soo galeen, kuna qabsadeen shirkii maamulka Jubba lagu dhisay, markuu shirkii dhammaadayna ay ka dhigteen xarrun ciiddan oo malayshiyaad lagu tababaro ,run ahaana in badan baan  arrintaa kala hadalnay maamulka ilaa haddana  waxba kama qabsoomin, waxaanan leenahay saasi ma aha sidii loogu abaal gudi lahaa Jaamacada Kismaayo oo u taagan adeegga bulshada una soo dhabar adaygtay  dhibaatooyn badan .
WDN: Ma jiraan Jaamacado kale oo aad xiriir la leedihiin?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: Haa waxaa jira jaamacaddo aan xiriir iskaashiyadeed aan la leenahay gudaha Soomaaliya iyo dibaddiisaba, sida Jaamacadda Banaadir “ Muqdisho “, Jaamacadda Bariga Afrika “ Boosaaso”, Jaamacadda Nugaal “ Laascaanood’. Waxaa ka mid ah jaamacadaha dibadda ee aan iyana xiriirka la leenahay Jaamacadaha Kenya,Uganda, Suudaan, Sacuudiga, Masar iyo Maleesiya.
WDN: Bal wax nooga sheeg manaahijka jaamacaddu ay ku shaqeyso?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: Jaamacadda manhajka ay dhigto waa mid waafaqsan manaahijta jaamacadaha caalamka, waana nidaamka 4 sano, sanadkasta wuxuu ka kooban yahay 2 xilli (semester), saacaduhuna waxay ku xirantahay kuliyadaha jaamacadda ka jira, laakiin waa mid waaafqasan qaababka ugu wanaagsan ee laga aqoonsan yahay caalamka.
WDN: Imisaa ardey ayaa hadda dhigta jaamacadda?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: hadda waxaa dhigta 550 arday, waxaana xusid mudan in gobollada Jubbooyinka ay ka jireen dagaallo joogta ah laga soo bilaabo 1991, waxaana ka dhashay barakac baahsan, dadka deegankuna waxay u hayaameen xeryaha qaxootiga ee dhadhaab (Kenya),  sidaa darteed waxaa jirta in ardada tiradoodu ay ku xiran tahay kolba sida daganaansho loo helo.
WDN: Imisa macalimiin ayaa wax ka dhiga jaammacadda?
Dr. Maxamed Wali:  Jaamacadda macallimiinta wax ka dhigta waxay dhantahay ilaa 31 Macalin oo isugu jira kuwa haysta PHD iyo Master Decree, waana macallimiin khibrad aqooneed u leh waxbarshada sare iyo cilmibaarista la xiriirta.
WDN: Macallimiinta dhammaan ma wada Soomaali baa misa waxaa ku jiraa qaar ajaanib ah?
Dr. Maxamed Wali:  dhammaantood waa macallimiin Soomaali ah, laakiin qaarkood waxay haystaan Baasaboorro waddamo kale sida Kenya iyo UK.
WDN: Macallimiintiina immisa ayaa haaysta shahaadada Master’s ama PhD?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: Waxaa shahaadada PHD haysta  9 macalin inta kalana waxay haystaan Shahaadada Master, waxaa kale oo jira macallimin khibrad leh oo sanado badan ka soo shaqaynayay waxbarashada
WDN: Weli wax arday ah oo ka qalinjebiyay jaamacadda ma jiraan?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: Haa waxaa jaamacadda Kismaayo ka qalin jabiyay 5 lood  oo isku xigta taas oo ka bilaabanaysa 2010 ilaa sanadkan 2014 oo lodkii 5 naad qalin jabiyay bishii Juun 26-2014.
WDN: Maxaa idiin qorshaysan in aad ku tallaabsataan sanadaha soo socda?
Dr. Maxamed Wali: Waxaan rabnaa in aan ku biirinno jaamacadda kuliyado cusub anaga oo tixgalinayna istaraatiijiyada u dagan jaamacada iyo baahida ka jirta gobalka, sida Kuliyadda beeraha, Kuliyadda cilmiga badda, kulliyadda Xannaanada xoolaha, kuliyadda cilmiga computers-ka iyo kuliyadda injineeriyada
WDN: Ugu dambeyntii maxaa farriin ah oo aad halkan ka gaadhsiin lahayd shacabweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee kunool dalka iyo debedda?
Dr. Maxamed wali: waxaan u diraynaa in ay waxbarashadu tahay furaha horumarka shacabka Soomaaliya, mustaqbalka waddankana wuxuu ku xiran yahay badbaadinta iyo waxbaridda ubadka soo koraya. Midda kale haddaan nahay bahda Jaamacadda Kismaayo waxaan geed dheer iyo mid gaaban u kornay in waxbarashada sare aan ka hirgalino goballada Jubbooyinka oo dayacnaa laga soo bilaabo 1960kii. Waxaa sharaf iyo qiimo noo ah in goballada Jubbooyinka albaab cusub in aan u furno, taariikh cusub in aan u bilowno, waxaan halkan mahad balaadhan uga soo jeedinaynaa cidkasta oo ka qayb qaadatay taageerida jaamacadda Kismaayo, inta aan ka qaybqaadanina ay hadda hiil hooba lagarab istaagaan jaamacadda.
WDN: Aad ayaad ugu mahadsantahay wareysiga aan kula yeelanay, waxaana idiin rajeyneynaa guul.
Dr. Maxamed Wali: waad ku mahadsantihiin fursaddan qaaliga ah eed isiiseen si aad u baahisaan horumarka baaxadda wayn ee la xiriira waxbarshada sare ee ka curatay  gobollada Jubbooyinka, taas oo ay hoggaaminayso Jaamacadda Kismayo.

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