Map of the World

Map of the World
Our World

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Since the outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 last year, little focus has been given to how the virus impacted the world's major religions and their denominations. Statistically, Islam prides to have the largest gathering of humanity mainly in the month of Dhul Hijja when millions of people from all over the world gather to perform the yearly pilgrimage. Even though Saudi Arabia has already halted performance of the lesser pilgrimage known as Umrah, authorities have not categorically issued a universal declaration related to the suspension of Hajj this year. With COVID-19 still remaining a major concern, for many, there is still uncertainty and speculation that performing the once in a lifetime duty to God and the fifth pillar of Islam, may not materialize should the panic causing Coronavirus escape human control.

Nonetheless, no Hajj restrictions were imposed in the 1918 Spanish Flu. After all, it was almost 200 years ago in 1798 when Hajj was suspended indefinitely after Napoleon's campaigns in Syria and Egypt disrupted global pilgrims movements. Hajj can be suspended in case of wars and calamities. For 10 years, as a result of Qarmatian Shia attacks on Muslim pilgrims, Hajj was suspended in 930 and in 968, an outbreak of disease caused another suspension. The chronology of Hajj suspensions are many; sometimes the stoppages affected nations and other times it was caused by economic crisis.

With the yearly increase in the number of pilgrims from all corners of the world, Saudi authorities have the power to impose quota system for every country. To-be Pilgrims from nations considered antagonistic to the Saudi royalty could be omitted for security reasons. Therefore, the current COVID-19 disaster should not be translated to mean that the end of the world is imminent. No human being has the power or wisdom to foretell the unknowns or unseen phenomenons. The world has seen enough false prophets and soothsayers and they will keep on coming until the last hour.

In general Christianity, the pandemic created Spiritual Communion after suggestions made by Pope Francis and the Methodist clergy. Many churches suspended festivals such as Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Palm Sunday while the famous Saint Patrick's Day festival that defined the arrival of Christianity in Ireland was cancelled on 17 March 2020 due to the pandemic. While churches, Masjids, synagogues and temples shut down to overcome the spread of the virus by congregations and to mobilize societies to create awareness and offer help to the needy, in some instances, China's policy of State Atheism destroyed places of worship belonging to monotheistic religions.

While China's antireligious campaigns grew stronger to the extent of even monitoring online worship, various monotheistic religious denominations sent relief aid to the most affected within China. China, the godless originator of COVID-19, took extra measures by abusing and racially profiling African students studying in it's colleges and universities. The global proliferation of widely circulated video clips in the social media showing African-Americans and Africans being evicted from their residences, denied services in restaurants, hospitals and supermarkets unified global diplomatic forces. Nations that felt offended by China's inhumane treatment of black students summoned Chinese diplomats with a view to getting logical explanations.

China has been in existence for over 3,500 years, yet, the word "religion" got into it's lexicon in the 19th century. In Chinese history, three philosophical beliefs that are mistaken as religions have been the major pillars of society since time immemorial. Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism remained at odds without one causing complete obliteration of the other. Instead, they worked side by side to lead society, changed each other, and at times blended to form new philosophical beliefs.

While many Atheists tend to insist Hitler to have been a devout Christian, there are those who maintain he was a religious chameleon because he exalted science more than anything else. Whether he was an occultist or paganist or a "scientific pantheist", or hate-filled opportunist or a demon, Hitler's romance with Japan's Emperor Hirohito who revered Shintoism and Buddhism and Italy's Mussolini who was a fascist driven by the policy of spazio vitale (vital space), caused the first deliberate human use of the Atomic weapon.

While the followers of Abrahamic religions seek divine intervention to overcome the current global pandemic known as COVID-19 through prayers, supplications and meditations and contemplations to their Creator, China's State Atheism is all eyes and ears monitoring in every way possible to deter anyone beseeching The Lord of the Worlds for intervention. If the Great Wall of China could not stop invading forces from penetrating China, why can't present day China empower monotheistic religions curse the COVID-19 that originated from the hideous devil in Wuhan? On the other hand, if belligerent Japan and her allies were silenced by the 'A' weapon in 1945, the current COVID-19 pandemic that falls under the 'B' category of destructive weapons, requires the quick action of the safe and sound leaders in Beijing so as to save humanity from complete ruination. 

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