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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Overcoming Semasociological Perversion

If you don't understand where my hammer is hitting, go back to the olden days of "je, huu ni ungwana" by Leonard "Mambo" Mbotela when he was a broadcaster at Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) and Radio Mogadishu's "dhageyso oo dhuux" and "wax weydiin ogaal." Labaatan jir intuu geed ka boodo buu talo ka boodaa!
If you are a whippersnapper, you have a long way to master the language of the elderly Kub-ka-cirro. Avoid behaving like chokora pipa (scavenger). Look at the broader picture or the message content and not at the messenger, think deeply before making unnecessary exaggerations, focus on the content, and if all attempts to comprehend the theme fails, ask or simply steer away from the scene, otherwise, you'll be branded "habar fadhida lagdinta la fududaa."
Empty bragging is one major characteristic of the braggadocio whose abilities and qualities may not even match the two opposing mindsets of Maan Barreey and Maan Bilaal. Even though Bilaal was a slave of the Barrey family, his most burning desire was to have Barrey as his wife, while Barreey longed for beads and bracelets like her age mate foodleys, the only way to achieving her adornments was to have Bilaal sold in the market.
To overcome semasiological perversion, use your senses to navigate through the murky waters of rhetorical hyperbole, or else you could be dejected and thrown overboard for performing unsatisfactorily where others excel. Be kind to others and learn from them for no one is born an expert in a specific language.

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My Contribution to Chapter Book in French Edition

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