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Democratic nations are less likely to be corrupt and also less likely to descend into chaos while totalitarian regimes tend to be more lax and ineffective in fighting corruption of all types of vice. Authoritarian regimes usually compose of a cornucopia of unprofessional and untrained cadres who initially seized power by unconstitutional means. Corruption is more common in the global south or in developing countries than in the global north where leaders in power are more responsible and are known to uphold the rule of law. Corruption is most critical in flawed democracies, communist nations, and theocratic countries. In developed countries, corruption is rife in insider dealings, among lobbyists, and those who survive on commissions.
Once the police force of a nation is corrupt, dishonesty will seep to all sectors of society. Policemen and policewomen who solicit bribes may set a bad precedent for an entire nation. These are the people who are supposed to be setting good examples or act as role models in the first place. According to Transparency International (TI), Somalia, Chad, Angola, Iraq, Myanmar, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan top the list of the most corrupt states. Since 1995, TI has published the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). Despite criticism of the validity of method used by TI, TI continues to sound bells on countries perceived to be the most corrupt.
The latest report by TI lists the Kenya Police as the most corrupt institution in the country. 92% of respondents in the country reported to have bribed police officers. However, corruption in Kenya is not only restricted to the police force; in fact it has affected all sectors of society. It is everywhere.
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