Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dhalashadii Soomaali Wareera

Hooyo Cataabo goortey caloosha ku sidday wiilka ay ugu wanqashay Ina Fagax, marxalado kala duwan ayey kala kulantay intuu uurkeeda ku jiray. Fagax oo ahaa aabbihii dhalay wiilka, dan kama geli jirin daryeelka xaaskiisa xilligii ay xaamilada aheyd.

Waa cilmi aan horey loo aqoon e, saqiirka makaanka ku jira xilli wuxuu gaadhaa garaad iyo garasho uu yeesho. Wax wuu maqli, dareen buu yeeshaa, wuuna dhaqdhaqaaqaa asagoo isku rogrogaya kolba dhinac.

Debacsanaanta dabciga hooyada wuxuu sababi karaa, xanuun la'aan iyo dhalasho reyn reyn leh. Hase yeeshe, haddii hooyadu muujiso dabci qallafsan, caro badan, iyo caaytan, sidoo kale ka caloosha ku jira dareen baa galaa.

Maqnaanshaha Fagax weeye ta keentay in Cataabo isla hadasho marna canaanato Soomaali Wareera. "Najis, najis dhalay, ey ey laga soo gooyay, maanlaawe, diinlaawe, qumey, doofaar yahaw, dhinte, tuug, gaal baa ku dhalay, aabbahay ima dhalin haddaan ku ciijin", iyo colaado kale ayey hooyo Cataabo ka dhigatay halqabsi goortey canaananeyso saqiirka aysan garan in uu noqon doono wiil ama gabadh.

Ugu dambeyn, Cataabo wey foolatay waxaana loogu yeeray eeddadeed Baarreey oo ka dhalisay. "Soo bax adduunka laguugu dhibye" intey tiri hooyadii dhashay, ayey umuladiisana sii raacisay, "Fool Midgaanle, kii dhalay u ekaa, waxaad iila muuqataa dameer iyo labadiisa dhegood." 

Dad iyo Daanyeer

Daanyeerka oo ah xayawaan ku nool duurka, hawdka ama meelaha ugaadha lagu xareeyo si loo daawado, ayaa ugu dhow dadka dhaqan ahaan. In kasto daanyeerka uusan hadlin sida dadka, wuxuu leeyahay astaamo u dhow dadka, waxaana ka mid ah 8 calaamadood. Maadaama dadkii naga horreeyay xilliyadii Jaahiliyada ay lahaayeen dhaqamo aan waxba dhaamin daanyeerka dhogorta badan, illaa maanta, si kasto aadmiga u ilbaxay, weli wey isa shabbahaan daanyeerka. DNA ayaa lagu ogaaday in dadka iyo daanyeerka isa shabbahaan 97%. Labada daanyeer ee aan halkan kaga hadlayo waa Bonobos iyo chimpanzees.

Bani'aadmiga taariikh kala geddisan ayuu soo maray, tii ugu liidatayna waa xilligii isticmaalka dhagaxaanta ee loo yaqaano "Stone Age." Haddiiba illaa maanta dadka qaarkii ay ku noolyihiin nolol lamid ah xayawaanka duur joogga ah, sida qowmiyadaha ku nool dhulka jiqda ah ee Amazon ee dhaca Qaaradda Konfur Ameerika, ee aan weligood milicsan nolosha casriga ah, waa wax la aqbali karo in daanyeerka ay ehel iyo dhaqan wadaagaan. Daanyeerka iyo dadkaa aan soo sheegay, keliya waxay ku kala duwanyihiin ku socodka labo iyo afar lugood, hadal, ama luuqad.

Sida dadka ayuu daanyeerka garaad iyo garasho leeyahay. Hooyada carruurteeda waxay ka ilaalisaa wixii halis ku ah ee ay damcaan in ay ku tallaabsadaan, halka aadanaha laga yaabo in uu il duufo daba orod adduun awgeed. Canuga daanyeerka hadduu damco in uu fuulo geed asagoon jidhkiisa weli yeelan xoog ku filan, hooyada wey ka celisaa ayadoo madaxa gilgisha ama ruxda. Haddey intaasi deeqi weydo, seynta ama lugaha midkood ayey soo jiiddaa so uu u so daadego. Looma ogola in canuga daanyeerka la farocayaaro hooyo kale. Digniintana waa hooyada kale oo madaxa ruxda oo lamid ah 'maya'.

Daanyeerka hadduu gaajoodo, sida bani'aadmiga ayuu gacan taagaa taasi oo muujineysa wax i sii. Waxay raacshaan dhoolo qosol ama ilko caddeyn la xidhiidha qalbi soo jiidasho si ay xadafkooda u gaadhaan. Goortey gaajada si xun u saammeyso, lug iyo gacan taag ayey isticmaalaan. Wey caroodaan sida dadka waxaana laga fahmaa muuqaalka wejiyadooda. Hase yeeshe, in ay laabta isa saaraan, dhabarkana iska dherbaaxaan, waa astaamo kalgaceyl iyo muujin mahad iyo wanaag colaadi ka maqantahay. Hadduu hal gacan hal il ku daboolo, waa muujin 'lurka igaa daa'. il keliya oo la dabooli, waa farriin ku socoto dad iyo daanyeerka kale ee ay ehel wadaagaan.

In ubadka daanyeerka qaarkii qosla marka la qodqoteeyo ama la xadxateeyo sida noocyada orangutan, chimpanzee, bonobo iyo gorilla, waa u ekaansho dhaqan dadeed. Orangutan oo micnahiisa yahay 'ninka socda' af Maleyshiya, waxaa lagu yaqaan in uu ku socdo labo xilliyada qaar. Nooca daanyeerka loo yaqaano macaques, waxay leeyihiin dareen ay ku gartaan qaraabadooda muuqaalka wejiyadooda.

Waxa cajabiyay cilmi baareyaal muddo dheer ku hawlanaa dhaqanka daanyeerrada waa degganaanshaha ay ka dheefaan marka la siiyo cunto iyo cabbitaan laabtooda qaboojiya siiba marka ay so wajahdo nolol cakiran. In kasto ay kala siif yihiin, daanyeerrada qaar baa leh nasab iyo nasab dhimman. Siiba kuwa dheddiga ah ayaa waxaa wajaha takoor, kaaso ku kiciya hammaansi, isxoqid, isa sasabid labada hammuun isku qaba, qunyar socodnimo, iyo weliba cunto ka go'id la halmaala naceybka ay ka qaadaan takoorka. Kuwa dereja sarreeya waxay quutaan dharaar, kuwa hooseeyana habeenki.

Xulashada boombolaha carruurta ay ku cayaaraan goor lagu tijaabiyay, waxaa la ogaaday in dheddig iyo labood ba aysan isku xulasho aheyn oo sida gabdhaha iyo wiilasha mid waliba leeyahay lexjeclo u gooni ah. In daanyeerka uu yaqaano farsamo gacmeedka ayaa waxaa lagu ogaaday u kuurgalid sida farshaxanka uu isticmaalo goorta uu aboorka godadka kala soo baxayo. Isticmaalka caws duuduuban oo tidcan ayaa u sahla dabinta aboorka ku xareysan dudumooyinka.

Sida shimbirba, shimbirkiisa ula duulo ayuu daanyeerkuna isku weheshadaa. Haddey shax ku tartamayaan, ka laga raayo wuu qalbi jabaa, cuqdadina wey wehelisaa. Wax kasto bulshada caqabad ku ah wuxuu sababa is afgaranwaa iyo dagaal ragaadiya bulshada daanyeerrada sida bani'aadmiga.

Maanta oo la marayo xilli teknolojida lagu talaxtegey, ayuu aadanahu u dhaqmaya sida daanyeerka aan la barbardhigay dhan garaad iyo garasho ba. Quruumo ku loolamaya awood dhaqaale iyo mid militeri, ayaa horseedaya sidii midba midka kale u ciribtiri lahaa.  

Laikipia Masai and the WaKwavi

Ihe past, the tribe we historically know today as the Wakwavi was part of the greater Masai or Maasai of Laikipia and Uasin Gishu regions in Kenya and Usambara in Tanzania respectively. Warfare and other natural disasters such as locust invasions and widespread drought reduced their numbers resulting in their total assimilation with the Kikuyu, Taveta and the Meru of Kenya.

European etymological definitions of the Loikop people who spoke a language similar to that of the Maasai are contradictory compared to the interpretations given by the Swahili people, Turkana, Meru and other Bantu communities. A Kenyan Somali poet who is versed with the traditions of some of the speakers of Omotic and Nilo-hamitic languages,  told me exactly the same historiographical perspectives mentioned earlier regarding the demise of the Wakwavi.

The Wakwavi have been called different names by other ethnic groups and by European explorers of the past. According to Beidelman (1960), they inhabit the central and northeastern parts of Tanzania and are part of the Maa speaking ethnic groups, however, to Hurskainen (1994),  the names Kwavi and Baraguyu are synonymous.

It was the Laikipia Masai that finally, after thirty years of fighting hip to thigh (1850-1880) dispersed the once formidable Wakwavi to different destinations. This prolonged non-stop warfare caused tremendous destruction to their population numbers. In other oral narratives, the Wakwavi were torn apart by divine force in the form of locust invasions that devastated the greener pastures they enjoyed eventually leaving behind skeletal remains of the forests and livestock they herded for survival.

The Wakwavi were numerous in numbers and enjoyed large tracts of land for herding their livestock before facing the stronger, war-hardened Maasai warriors who almost obliterated them. Though tough and determined to reclaim their realms from every obstinate and rebellious tribe, the Wakwavi ended up experiencing unprecedented misfortunes and calamities that left them end up in total surrender, assimilation, and integration with other Bantu tribes.

The assumption that the name Kwavi is derived from Somali or Oromo is open for debate. Sometimes spelled Baraguyu or Parakuyo, currently, they have changed their old livestock herding lifestyle to farming like their neighbors who are mostly of Bantu classification around the agriculturally productive Kilimanjaro mountain region in Tanzania. There are written records that some have assimilated with the larger coffee growers of Chagga of Tanzania.

In my scholarly observations of old colonial European transcripts pertaining to other ethnic groups appearing not thorough or detailed, their records of the Wakwavi mainly revolved around the era of contemporary history. With materials reminiscing the medieval times remaining unavailable and modern DNA testing still in infancy in Tanzania and Kenya, intensive archeological and anthropological research will be required to decode the past Wakwavi historical mystery.

At long last the Maasai transformed into a force to reckon with. However, despite the Maasai defeating enemy after enemy in their invasions, their final confrontation was with the Aji Somalis---a confederation of various tribes brought together by the will to fight all enemy provocations. The Aji Somalis who were always certain to encounter new enemies during their long migratiory patterns, ultimately infiltrated Laikipia Maasai territories either deliberately or surreptitiously.

Some Somali oral historians are of the opinion that the Samburu tribe of Kenya are a miscegenation or are a reproduction of the Laikipia Maasai and the Rendille and that the Maasai were the main instigators of the burning of the Qur'an by the Rendille. The cohabitation between the Maasai and Rendille resulted in the birth of a child with a broader nose and thus the Somali name 'San' meaning 'nose' plus 'buur' implying 'big, fat, flat' when put together produced the name 'Sanbur' which later got adulterated to Samburu.

Before European arrival of East Africa and before the proselytization of the Christian faith by their missionaries, apart from the Rendille who practiced religious monotheism and worshiped a God they called 'Waq' or 'Wak', the Maasai followed African religious practices. Apart from a few who converted to Christianity and Islam, to this day, majority of the Maasai have no defined religion. There is a prominent hill within the Rendille periphery that they turn to for prayers and invocations. It's the same hill they burned the Glorious Qur'aan.

According to Somalis who are familiar with the Rendille religious practices, they pray five times a day in a mosque-like structure they call Naabo in their language. Modern Rendille practice exogamous marriages where intermarriage with unilineal members of another group sharing the same patrilineal or matrilineal descent is common unlike endogamous marriage that is within a single ethnic group. To Somalis, those Rendille tribesmen and women who have not been exposed to other ethnic groups through intermarriage are referred to as Asli or Asal---a term implying pure, clean or undiluted while their opposites are categorized as "bad" like those who intermarried with the Samburu. The Asal term would be equivalent to "nasab" or hyperdescent in modern ethnogenesis meaning dominant or superior while the "bad" would be "nasab dhiman" that translates to hypodescent for belonging to a subordinate group.

The Somali system of social grouping is like the caste system of India where the Brahmins, because of their knowledge of the Hindu religious practices and their proficiency in the divine scripture, the Zend Avesta, make them the most superior followed by the Kshatriyas who are regarded landowners and warriors. The third group, the Vaishyas are expert artisans, craftsmen and farmers while the fourth group are the Shudras who are known for being the main flock of followers or the reliable, dedicated subjects. Unfortunately, the rise of the most despised of all, the Dalits or untouchables, an oppressed group who were named Harijans by Mahatma Gandhi, a name meaning 'god's people', still remain the lowest of the ladder.

Upon the death of a Maasai, the body is neither buried nor cremated but disposed off after being sprinkled with liquified animal fat to attract wild animals especially the carnivorous or those who survive on the remnants left by the fresh eaters. Apart from the Rendille who are Cushitic or Afroasiatic like the Somalis and the Oromo, the Maasai and the Samburu are Nilo-hamitic.

The governing styles of most Cushitic or Afroasiatic and Nilo-hamitic ethnic groups depend on traditional matters that fall under the science of Gerentology where dispute resolutions, matters related to war declarations, change of venues during encounters with drought and famine, and circumcision rituals and promotion to warrior category are determined by the elders.

In African ancient oral history, the belief that the current Lake Turkana (formerly Lake Rudolph) was the original settlement of the Cushitic or Afroasiatic and the Nilo-hamitic ethnic groups until each group embarked on great dispersals to various destinations, is a theory worth following up for research purposes.

According to a familiar figure who lived among the Rendille for work related duties, he was fortunate enough to learn from the elders what they had to say about the unsubstantiated abandonment, burying or burning of the Qur'aan in the past. The assumption that they were forced to burn the Qur'aan by a new ethnic group that hosted them around Korondile or Qur'aan Dile is an exaggeration. Instead, they had a credible claim. Since the books got old or torn apart or got eaten by rats after years and years of lack of replacement, republishing or "replenishment", they had no other option but to bury them or burn them. What they did not explain further is how they abandoned their Islamic faith and how they ended up to worshipping the ancient Waq or Wak.

The name Waq or Wak---a sound unique to the wild raven bird or the regular town dwelling crow reportedly detested by the Arabs, has no relationship or common features with the monotheistic God revered by the Rendille and other Cushitic ethnicities. It is comparable to the old Yemeni females of the isolated Island of Socotra who use the sap of the Dracaena tree species for hand decorations because they believe it was under that tree the two sons of Prophet Adam fought each other eventually leading to Abel (Qabiil) killing Cain (Haabiil). The sap for body decoration is synonymous of the blood shed by Cain. Such beliefs are comparable to the legacies of Arab historical ignorance that have been on from generation to generation.

After mentioning all the places he has been to such as the settlements that were exclusive to the Rendille, my friend had nothing to hide about their generosity especially to Somalis on transit to other regions or those engaged in carrying out humanitarian services within their territories. One thing he noted was that the camels they kept were smaller than the normal Somali dromedary. When hosting guests, they are known to roast or barbeque the goat after cutting it into three or four pieces or sections. Other than smearing it with ghee, they do not add anything else to the meat, not even salt.

"They are coming back to reclaim their lost identity." For identity reclamation, he meant reclaiming their lost Somali glory of the past and reverting to Islaam. To wrap the Rendille narrations, Any Somali man who asks for the hand of a Rendille bride is given one without any livestock or monetary payment attached. Instead, the to-be bridegroom is given free livestock. The issue of the Rendille reclaiming their Somaliness and their intentions to revamp and

T.O. Beidelman, T.O (1960). "The Baraguyu", in Tanganyika notes and records, 1960, no. 55, p. 244–278.

Hurskainen, A. (1994). "Plant taxonomy of the Parakuyo (Tanzania)" in Nordic Journal of African Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 117–162.

Rendille and the Qur'an

According to a friend who lived among the Rendille, let me tell you what they said about abandoning, burying or burning the Qur'aan in the past. The assumption that they were forced to burn the Qur'aan by a new ethnic group that hosted them around Korondile or Qur'aan Dile is wrong.

Instead, they have a credible claim. Since the books got old or torn apart or got eaten by rats after years and years of lack of replacement, republishing or "replenishment", they had no other option but to bury them or burn them.

After mentioning all the places he has been to such as the settlements that were exclusive to the Rendille, my friend had nothing to hide about their generosity especially to Somalis on transit to other regions or those engaged in carrying out humanitarian services within their territories.

One thing he noted was that the camels they kept were smaller than the normal Somali dromedary. When hosting guests, they are known to roast or barbeque the goat after cutting it into three or four pieces or sections. Other than smearing it with ghee, they do not add anything else to the meat, not even salt.

"They are coming back to reclaim their lost identity." For identity reclamation, he meant reclaiming their lost Somali glory of the past and reverting to Islaam. Any Somali man who asks for the hand of a Rendille bride is given one without any livestock or monetary payment attached. Instead, the to-be bridegroom is given free livestock. 

The Impact of Lingala Music in Kenya

Lingala music had greater impact on the Luos who were at that time more educated than the rest of Kenyans and were more exposed to the outside world. No wonder, Nairobi, especially where Luos populated and their original hub of Kisumu along the Kavirondo Gulf (Lake Victoria) received more attention of Lingala music.

Lingala artists like Awilo Longomba, born in Kinshasa, with drummer Papa Wemba, were part of the orchestra “Viva La Musica.” Koffi Olomide and Tabu Ley who was an expert vocalist and songwriter in Soukous, and Franco and Papa Wemba, held Kenya music hostage for years since their forms of music instrumentations and drumbeats and the retinue of semi-naked muscular Congolese female dancers kept Kenyans at bay.

After the Russians and their allies were kicked out of Somalia in the late seventies, American Rock Music by the Commodores, Jackson Five, Lionel Richie, and Reggae by Reggae Raggamuffins Bob Marley, Burning Spear, Jimmy Cliff and Peter Tosh, captured Somalia's music recording industry. Of all hotels, the Friday nights resonating music from blaring loudspeakers fromJuba Hotel held the record for all hotels.

Though architecturally more classic in design than Juba Hotel because it was a high rise building, the ultramodern Curuba Hotel with Arabesque design---a visual art genre with interlacing foliage, had limited entertainment despite standing within the boundaries of the Indian Ocean beach. Surprisingly, depending on your observations and focus, if you were around those days and still have a recollection of the hotel's outlook, Al-Curuba Hotel did not have a fire exit gate.

My best childhood friend who worked for the Ministry of Tourism and Hotels, often switched hotels, mainly between Jubba and Al-Curuba respectively, and I was fortunate enough to see the beauty of some of Mogadishu's best hotels and as well feast on the best cuisine. I was devastated when he hastily left Somalia for Yemen via Djibouti. He was blown up to pieces by The PLO in a hotel in Yemen simply because a French Palestinian lady fell in love with him. A handsome man of light complexion, generous and very talented and eloquent in English and other languages, my dear friend and brother was executed unjustly. However, PLO paid a handsome amount of money as blood money in US Dollars to his younger brother who traveled from Somalia to Yemen.

For Kenya Somalis, with poaching and insecurity remaining at the highest stages, and the general living conditions akin to "libaaxi Alamtarana soo dhaaf", men in santana shoes, bell-bottom trousers and Afro-hair, struggled together to keep their heavier Panasonic tape recorder players out of harm's way. With zippered bags full of cassettes containing Somali songs like 'Jamaadey', 'Lilalaw', and others by Maxamed Mooge, Maxamed Saleebaan Tubeec, Sahra Axmed Jaamac, Khatra Daahir and Magool, after a bellyful of jogoo Ugali for lunch (soor), puffing a whiff of Sportsman cigarettes and having a cheek full of Miraa daaqsin plus one or two pills of Barbiturates or Benzodiazipine was enough to raise one's mental attention, according to Marqaantologists, to cloud nine.

Ku: Shiinaha; Ka: Adduun Dulman

Shiinow hadalkeygan si fiican u dhuux oo ka bogo. Waxaan ku mooday, iyo waxaad noqotay,  waa wax aan loo noqon doonin. Waxaan ku mooday ummad iyo qaran lala dhaqmi karo, laakiin waxaad noqotay labo wejiile, waxaana loo noqon doonin in caalamka mar dambe ku aamino.

Aad beynu kuu naqaanaa inaad tahay fuley xaar dheer, futo balaq balaq. In kasto aad tiro badantahay, weligaa laan dheere noqon meysid oo waxaa kuu diidaya masallafnimadaada daxaloobay. Walow aad leedahay taariikh qoto dheer, gunnimo ayaa kuu diidday inaad adduunkan ku yeelato magac iyo maamuus.

Xukuumadihii Ming, Han, Xu, Liao, Qing iyo Liang iyo kuwo kaloo tiro badan ayaa taariikhdaada ku xarriqan, badankooduna wax xiriir ah oo baahsan caalamka lama laheyn waxaan ka aheyn imberitooriyaddii Ming ee uu hoggaaminayey Boqor Yongle (1402-1424). Yongle uma suurtagasheen in uu afgembiyo Jianwen hadduusan aheyn Admiral ama Amiirul Baxar, dibloomaasi, badmareen, taliye raxan maraakiib, cag madhige (explorer) Ma He (Muxammad) oo Muslin ahaa isla markaana awowgii iyo aabbihiisaba ahaayeen labo soo xajiyay (AHUN).

Adoo indho xirxiran, caalamkana lagaa aqoon ayaa Muxammad si hagar la'aan ah magacaaga iyo jiritaankaagaba gaarsiiyey dacallada dunida. Nasiib darro, qoraallo mooyaane, Muxammad taallo lagu xasuusto umaadan dhisin. Qaddarin la'aantaada Muxammad waa dhaliil naceybka aad u qabto Muslimiinta oo dhan. Waa Eebbe Mahaddii, dawladda Maleyshiya ayaa u dhistay mid laabta Muslimiin badan qaboojisay.

Teeda kale, cabburinta Muslimiinta siiba dadka loo yaqaan uyghurs ee tiradoodu lagu qiyaasay 11m, degana gobolka Xinjiang, waa xadgudub aanan meelna ku geyneyn. Waxaad fashay fashaye, waxaad sugtaaba waa kudka iyo kaarka aad gacmahaaga ku sammeysatay loona yaqaan COVID-19 ee ka soo butaacay magaalada Wuhan. Dulleysiga iyo daandaansiga dadkan Muslimiinta ah ee aad ku xareysay xerooyiin waa ujeeddo aad dooneyso inaad ku bahdisho Muslimiinta oo dhan. Hase yeeshe, waxaa kuu sugnaaday lacnadi aadan ka biskoon abid.

Tirada ummadaada maanta waa 1.4bn, shakina kuma jiro in ama ay Muslimaan ama cudur idiin halakeeyo goortey noqotaba. In badan ayey Muslimiinta idinla macaamileen oo aad ka dheefteen, loogamana horreyn Badmaaxi Muxammad (AHUN). Maanta oo aad loolan quwadeed kula jirtaan dal iyo xulufadiisa, ayaa markaad quwad militeri wax kaga qaadi weydeen, ayaad ku tallaabsateen isticmaalka dagaal cudur, kaas oo ah nooca feyruuska (virus).

Horaa loo yiri, "naftu doqonsanaa damac waalanaa", illeyn waa midda ku tidhaa, "dahab aadan laheyn daldalo." Waxaad garan weyday, "risiq Eebbe kuu diiday kaa durugsanaa, midkuu duunyo siinaayo deeqsii oo dhowaa." Ma waxaad isleedahay, haddaad nabadi dooneyso, dagaal u diyaar garow? Haddey garashadaadu intaasi gaadhsiisantahay, caalamka wuxuu ku leeyahay, "imaadan barane, heelleey, iga bogo", waayo, saaxiibkaa Jabaan, ayaa kaaga xog roon wixii ku dhacay Dagaalkii 2aad siiba 1945 markii hal diyaarad oo la oran jiray Enola Gay ay hilfaha uqaadday magaalooyinkii Hiroshima iyo Nagasaki. Duuliyihii diyaaraddasi ee nooceedu ahaa B-29-45-MO Superfortress waxaa la oran jiray Korneel Paul Tibbets, gacanyarihiisuna wuxuu ahaa Robert A. Lewis.

Dhan kastoon u eega cago jugleynta aad igu hayso, waxaad il duuftay in ay kugu gaddaamanyihiin labo quwadood oo mid waliba xambaarsanyahay qumbuladda Niyukileyarka kuwaas oo kala ah Hindiya iyo Bakistaan. Haddey dhacdo is farasaar, wixii kuu soo gurmada waa faro kutiris. Hongkong oo ka xorowday Ingiriiska 1999 ayaad xakameyn la'dahay, Taiwan na kuma rabto.

Haddal iyo dhammaantii, Shiinow maqal oo macaanso. Waxaan ahay adduun dulman. Teeda kale, caloolyoobayey maxaan xalay ciil la ladi waayey. Markastoon ku eegaba, waxaan is weydiyaa, miyaadan waxba ka duwaneyn xoolaha lamaalo oodan aheyn dawlad xor ah, lehna calan xidhan oo aadduunka la heer yahay? Mise, waxaa kuu beenguraya falsafadaha aan diiniga aheyn sida Konfushiyuusiga (Confucianism), Tawosiga (Taoism) iyo Buudisimka (Buddhism)?

In kasto dhaqaalahaaga yahay mid furfuran, dhibka ugu weyn ee ku haleelay waa dhaqanka siyaasadeed ee ku saleysan mabda'a shuuciyadda ee laga arrad baxay 1989 billowgii dabadhammaadkii Dagaalkii Qaboobaa---waana xilligii Gidaarkii Baarliin dhulka lala simay. Aabbihii Shuuciyadda oo ahaa Midowgi Sofiyeet, waa kii burburay dariiq kalena jeexday. Maanta, waxaan ka aheyn Pyongyang,

Waayeel wedkiisa wuu yaqaanaaye, ogow gadhkeyga waxaa ka baxay wax aad gacandhi (gacandha) mooddo. Feyruuska aad dunida ku harqisay ama laguu qariyay bal ka sal gaar. Haddeysan aheyn, noo soo sheeg bal aynu ogaano inaad tahay "lax dhukani abaar moog arrintaadu noqotee, ma udbaad asleysa, udbihii maad asleysa."

Waxa dhacay adduunayada
Dhib iyo xumaan jira
Qaar baa dhuumanayoo
Dhibtu wehel u tahayo
Dhawraayo gacaloo
Inay maru un dhawaaqaan
Dhur sugaaya waliyoo
Dhabar kiyo xanjaadkiyo
Dhudhumada ka jabayoo
Dhiigii hoorsanayoo
Dhawac baa ag yaalo
Dhakhtar looma qaado
Lagu dhaafay meel oo
Ka dhaqaaqay ehelkii...

Somali Past Epidemic Diseases and Sagacity

Epidemic Diseases and Sagacity

With the absence of universal veterinary services and clinics to cater for the people and their livestock and wildlife, epidemiological diseases decimated lives and properties occasionally at a time when colonialism had not set foot in northern Kenya. Since most people were egalitarian or equalitarian and generous and abided by the concept of divine humanitarian services, it was common to come to the aid of those who were affected by poverty related issues. With wealth determined in terms of livestock ownership, distribution of charity and alms was common on a daily basis. Unlike in other cultures where the top echelons, especially the chiefs and their aides kept donations to themselves, the Somalis of aforetimes avoided greed and material obsessions. Caring for the poor was a common excogitation since they were bounded by kinship and the values of Islamic brotherhood.

It was the responsibility of the Sagaalles or aides of the sultan to collect Zakat portions in the form of livestock from the affluent and willing partners in humanitarian services. The 2.5 percent deduction from Zakat for the wealthy was well enforced though voluntarily. Zakat or Zakah is a form of obligatory tax returned to the poor and the needy, the collecters of Zakat, reverts to Islam and freed slaves by the wealthy and it is the second in rank after prayers in the Five Pillars of Islam. Unlike in modern times where armed fundamentalist religious fighters forcefully take away livestock from unwilling donors like in war-afflicted Somalia, Somali past systems of humanitarian services was far more advanced because forced imposition of Zakat collection was a violation of Islamic jurisprudence.

Charitable donations were meant to maintain the living conditions of the poor and the orphans and the needy, the  wayfarers and those preparing to engage in wedding ceremonies. Women who gave birth to new babies were given special care and attention by qualified traditional female pediatricians with nonstop visitations and gifts streaming from female relatives and neighbors. Experts in Female Reproduction kept an eye on the mother. Though Somalis name their babies immediately after birth, unlike the Baptism of Christianity that takes longer---a term symbolizing spiritual regeneration, following the long held Islamic tradition, for the Somalis, it was a short period known as 'Wanqal' that instills celebratory mood, followed with sacrifices made to The Creator who made the arrival of the new blessed baby possible.

When collecting Zakat or other types of donations, those who are known to be selfish and greedy or stingy are avoided at all costs during the collection procedures. Booties of war also helped alleviate food scarcities. With 'cad iyo caano', meaning 'meat and milk' being the main diet of the Somalis of the past, Sagaalles ensured no one slept hungry. Every morning, Sagaalles or their representatives would visit every family to ensure all was well.

Males patients were attended to by Andrologists who specialized in the male reproduction system like erectile dysfunction and others. Herbal medications played vital roles in the elimination of diseases such as hemorrhoids, myocardiac infarctions, peptic ulcerations, pediculosis capitis, tuberculosis, ear infections, and other curable diseases. Of all diseases, the most feared was tuberculosis that kept sufferers in complete isolation like the current COVID-19 pandemic.

In the cases of epidemics, those who experienced more losses of livestock were the first to receive humanitarian services. Since some subclans were more wealthy than others, the distribution mechanisms varied from the herders of camels, cattle, goats and sheep. In times of war, some subclans were more generous than others. Feeding hundreds or thousands of warriors was a daunting task.

According a former Canadian professor who taught at Makerere University College, the Dervishes of Seyid Muhammad Abdille Hassan were a composition of nine divisions. In military calculations, a division could range from 10,000 to 25,000 men and women of war. If one division of the Dervishes was 25,000 multiplied by 9, it would add up to 225,000 determined fighters and if they were 10,000 X 9, the total number would be 90,000. There's no doubt that the Dervishes had sufficient food and ration since reports of malnourishment were rare. On top of that, horses and mares and camels that were known as rakoubs that specifically transported fighters plus donkeys that transported logistics supplies for the battlefields required enough pasture and water every day.

In Somalia, the colonial British and Italian forces survived on looted Somali livestock and agricultural land produce. The British Crown clang to the former British Somaliland in order to provide beef to it's second largest military base outside Britain in Aden, Yemen. The Italians took over Italian Somaliland in southern Somalia solely to enjoy the agricultural produce from the lush green valleys, gorges and ravines that were a haven for unique wildlife and plant species.

To this day, Somali history of generosity to humanity and even to foreigners remains unaltered and permanent. However, among some communities, the vanishing or abandonment of the technique of Zakat collection is the main harbinger of the protracted wealth disparities that has become a common feature in many Somali settlements. Woe unto those who devour the wealth meant for the disadvantaged! 

Herbal Medicine

I'm a herbalist who admires herbal medications because most medicines are extracted from tree and plant species. Just like medical prescriptions, overuse of herbs could cause overdose and other health complications. It is beneficial to know the side effects of the prescriptions written by doctors or by clinical officers because, for example, taking two drugs at the same time could have contraindications.

Every prescription by a medical professional starts with RX from the Latin word "recipere" whose English equivalent is "recipe" or "Take, thou." In essence, Rx means "take." In the past, there were medical practitioners who were known as Apothecaries. Apothecaries were General Practitioners (GP) of medieval times. To be on the safe side, always make a quick search for the prescription written by doctors either for you or for a family member.

Upon graduating from a medical school, doctors take the Hippocratic Oath that is attributed to Hippocrates who was a Greek physician and obviously a polytheist. Mention of polytheist, takes me back to the olden days when I was studying philosophy in a Catholic Church funded private college for my baccalaureate degree. Fascinated by the history and knowledge of the different ancient Greek philosophers covered in the various texts, I had one question to ask my lecturer who was a female sister and and a good friend. I wanted to know if the Greek philosophers of that era had specific religious beliefs. To my amazement, the same lecturer who also taught me psychology, told the entire class that the men we were studying were lovers of wisdom who were entirely polytheists. They had everything they needed in life and were deep thinkers though they believed in gods and goddesses.

To ensure physicians abided by medical ethics, it was deemed necessary for each and every medical practitioner to observe and ensure the safety of the patient being examined and attended to. It is essential doctors observe medical confidentiality that is part of the Hippocratic Oath. Here the doctor is required to keep secret all conversations with the patient or else there could be legal ramifications and non-maleficence, meaning "first, do not harm", from the Latin "primum non nocere" that is also enshrined in the same ancient oath. Observing the medical confidentiality of the patient, offering the right medications while following the right medical procedures, and avoiding the anything that could result in medical malpractice are some of the etiquettes required of medical doctors.

One medical procedure that is universally unacceptable for medical doctors to perform is euthanasia and that is taking the life of a patient intentionally even though the to-be euthanized willingly signs a form of consent with the wish to have his life taken until pronounced dead. Euthanasia is a Greek word that means "good death" and is categorized into voluntary that is legal in some countries, non-voluntary that is illegal globally and involuntary is considered murder and remains illegal in all countries.

Going back to the Hippocratic Oath, we find that the oath gravely contravened the religious practices of some doctors especially followers of Islam, and with the evolvement of secularism and modern medical practices, the ancient Greek oath that had references to gods and goddesses experienced alterations. Hippocrates had this to say in his oath:

"I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant." Asclepius was a demigod and the son of Apollo. He was killed by Zeus. Hygieia who was a goddess was the daughter of Asclepius and was famous for hygiene, sanitation, and good health. Panaceia or Panacea was also the daughter of Asclepius and the Goddess of Universal Health.

"The  American College of Surgeons, and the Geneva Declaration of Medical Ethics provide the commitment in a doctor's oath that states " I pledge myself".

Borrowing the wisdoms of Ibn Sina and Luqman Al-Hikma and other contemporary Muslim physicians, the Islamic Medical Association of North America, came up with the following oath:
The oath adopted by the Islamic Medical Association of North America is given below:

"Praise be to Allah (God), the Teacher, the Unique Majesty of heavens, the Exalted, the Glorious, glory be to Him. The Eternal Being who created the Universe and all the creatures within, and the only Being who containeth the infinity and the eternity. We serve no other God besides Thee and regard idolatry as an abominable injustice".

"Give us the strength to be truthful, honest, modest, merciful and objective".

"Give us the wisdom to comfort and counsel all towards peace and harmony"

"Give us the understanding that ours is a sacred profession that deals with Your most precious gifts of life and intellect"

"Therefore, make us worthy of this favored station with honor, dignity and piety so that we may devote our lives in serving mankind, poor or rich, wise or illiterate".

I was fortunate to see only once, an oath similar to the one above in a foreign country while riding at the back of a pickup truck. The oath was in a large frame and the design and colors appeared so alluring.


Since the outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 last year, little focus has been given to how the virus impacted the world's major religions and their denominations. Statistically, Islam prides to have the largest gathering of humanity mainly in the month of Dhul Hijja when millions of people from all over the world gather to perform the yearly pilgrimage. Even though Saudi Arabia has already halted performance of the lesser pilgrimage known as Umrah, authorities have not categorically issued a universal declaration related to the suspension of Hajj this year. With COVID-19 still remaining a major concern, for many, there is still uncertainty and speculation that performing the once in a lifetime duty to God and the fifth pillar of Islam, may not materialize should the panic causing Coronavirus escape human control.

Nonetheless, no Hajj restrictions were imposed in the 1918 Spanish Flu. After all, it was almost 200 years ago in 1798 when Hajj was suspended indefinitely after Napoleon's campaigns in Syria and Egypt disrupted global pilgrims movements. Hajj can be suspended in case of wars and calamities. For 10 years, as a result of Qarmatian Shia attacks on Muslim pilgrims, Hajj was suspended in 930 and in 968, an outbreak of disease caused another suspension. The chronology of Hajj suspensions are many; sometimes the stoppages affected nations and other times it was caused by economic crisis.

With the yearly increase in the number of pilgrims from all corners of the world, Saudi authorities have the power to impose quota system for every country. To-be Pilgrims from nations considered antagonistic to the Saudi royalty could be omitted for security reasons. Therefore, the current COVID-19 disaster should not be translated to mean that the end of the world is imminent. No human being has the power or wisdom to foretell the unknowns or unseen phenomenons. The world has seen enough false prophets and soothsayers and they will keep on coming until the last hour.

In general Christianity, the pandemic created Spiritual Communion after suggestions made by Pope Francis and the Methodist clergy. Many churches suspended festivals such as Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Palm Sunday while the famous Saint Patrick's Day festival that defined the arrival of Christianity in Ireland was cancelled on 17 March 2020 due to the pandemic. While churches, Masjids, synagogues and temples shut down to overcome the spread of the virus by congregations and to mobilize societies to create awareness and offer help to the needy, in some instances, China's policy of State Atheism destroyed places of worship belonging to monotheistic religions.

While China's antireligious campaigns grew stronger to the extent of even monitoring online worship, various monotheistic religious denominations sent relief aid to the most affected within China. China, the godless originator of COVID-19, took extra measures by abusing and racially profiling African students studying in it's colleges and universities. The global proliferation of widely circulated video clips in the social media showing African-Americans and Africans being evicted from their residences, denied services in restaurants, hospitals and supermarkets unified global diplomatic forces. Nations that felt offended by China's inhumane treatment of black students summoned Chinese diplomats with a view to getting logical explanations.

China has been in existence for over 3,500 years, yet, the word "religion" got into it's lexicon in the 19th century. In Chinese history, three philosophical beliefs that are mistaken as religions have been the major pillars of society since time immemorial. Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism remained at odds without one causing complete obliteration of the other. Instead, they worked side by side to lead society, changed each other, and at times blended to form new philosophical beliefs.

While many Atheists tend to insist Hitler to have been a devout Christian, there are those who maintain he was a religious chameleon because he exalted science more than anything else. Whether he was an occultist or paganist or a "scientific pantheist", or hate-filled opportunist or a demon, Hitler's romance with Japan's Emperor Hirohito who revered Shintoism and Buddhism and Italy's Mussolini who was a fascist driven by the policy of spazio vitale (vital space), caused the first deliberate human use of the Atomic weapon.

While the followers of Abrahamic religions seek divine intervention to overcome the current global pandemic known as COVID-19 through prayers, supplications and meditations and contemplations to their Creator, China's State Atheism is all eyes and ears monitoring in every way possible to deter anyone beseeching The Lord of the Worlds for intervention. If the Great Wall of China could not stop invading forces from penetrating China, why can't present day China empower monotheistic religions curse the COVID-19 that originated from the hideous devil in Wuhan? On the other hand, if belligerent Japan and her allies were silenced by the 'A' weapon in 1945, the current COVID-19 pandemic that falls under the 'B' category of destructive weapons, requires the quick action of the safe and sound leaders in Beijing so as to save humanity from complete ruination. 

Your Visible and Invisible Enemies

The Invisible Enemies
Know yoursef or the soul inside you before you venture out into unknown worlds.
From Islamic perspective, Allaah tells us:
وَاذْكُرْ رَبَّكَ فِي نَفْسِكَ
“And remember your Rabb inside yourself.” (7:205)

At times the Qur'aan refers nafs to specific parts of your body. There are differences between the heart (qalb), nafs (soul) and ruh (spirit) and aql (mind). For qalb, Allaah, referring to the disbelievers, tells us:

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment (Al Baqarah, 2: 7).  Modern scientific research has unearthed that the human eyes weigh 30 grams each, hourly process 36,000 pieces of information and are made from 200 million working parts. With more than a million nerve fibers, the eye is the only limb that cannot be transplanted (Discover Eye Foundation).

"Say to the believers that they should lower their eyes and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Allaah is aware of what they do (Al Qur'an, 24: 31). An entire nation that lived in a city called Sacduum (Sodom) whose prophet was Lut (Lot) were destroyed for their ignominy and debauchery. Likewise, an ancient community that lived around Mount Vesuvius were destroyed by lava and magma spewed by the volcanic eruption for engaging in acts that were contrary to human cohabitation.

And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but they are not believers (Al Baqarah, 2: 8). Since Allaah only knows what is in their hearts, He succinctly tells us that they are disbelievers. It is unacceptable and prohibited for a Muslim to refer to people of other faiths as disbelievers.

If you want to live a comfortable life in this world, avoid dancing with four wolves who are your avowed enemies. Of these four enemies, some are visible to you while others are not visible to the naked eyes. The top unseen one is Iblis who promised to mislead humankind before Allaah after he was cursed for refusing to bow down to Nabii Adam while the angels did it willingly. He refused to bow down to Adam out of arrogance with the claim that he was more superior since he was fashioned from smokeless flame while Adam was created from clay moulded into shape.

Whether you call him Devil, Satan, or Lucifer, the Whisperer, or the Accursed One, he was a young Jinn who was taken from earth by angels then given the most pleasurable life in paradise. Even though he disobeyed his Creator, he still worships Him. Initially, we are told his progeny, the Jinns were created from smokeless flame and that they were a confederation of tribes just like human beings. They have believers and disbelivers like humankind and an entire chapter in the Qur'an called Jinn (Surah 72) has been named after them and is exclusively a subject matter on the Djinns. Jinns are also not visible, were created 2,000 years before man and lived a life of bloodletting. They can see you, but you cannot see them.

To prove that there are believing Djinns, let's see what the beginning of Surah 72 tells us in Sahih International translation:

"Say, [O Muhammad], "It has been revealed to me that a group of the jinn listened and said, 'Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur'an (Al Jinn 72 : 2).

"It guides to the right course, and we have believed in it. And we will never associate with our Lord anyone (Al Jinn, 72: 3).

Furthermore, Allaah created the Djinns and human beings for only one thing: To worship Him Alone.

"And I (Allah) have not created the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (alone)."

The other invisible enemy is embedded within you and it will stay with you until your departure time from the earth to the grave when it will be restored after returning from one journey to the Creator. If it was a rebel that disbelieved in the Creator, it will not leave the boundaries of the dreaded grave for Allaah will not be willing to see their souls. This invisible creation is called Nafs or soul. To prove your own soul could be your enemy, it is worth knowing how Qabiil (Abel) intentionally killed his brother Haabiil (Cain). It was his soul that deceived him to kill his own brother. So, learn to restrain your soul through prayers, meditation, supplication and avoiding temptations. Many Muslim commentators of the Qur'aan, give different meanings to rouh, ruh or ruux.

In Surat Al-Israa (17) or the Night Journey, verse 85, Sahih International translation states:

"And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the soul. Say, "The soul is of the affair of my Lord. And mankind have not been given of knowledge except a little."

Pickthall​: "They  are asking thee concerning the Spirit. Say: The Spirit is by command of my Lord, and of knowledge ye have been vouchsafed but little."

Yusuf Ali: "They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)"

Shakir: "And  they ask you about the soul. Say: The soul is one of the commands of my Lord, and you are not given aught of knowledge but a little."

To me, the translation of the NAFS would be SPIRIT. To avoid misconceptions and confusion, I would advise you not to take my word for granted and I ask Allaah for forgiveness for any deviations I may have created in the beauty and the significance of the Glorious Qur'aan during my endeavors to share with you the main points of knowing the different enemies that could be misleading you day and night.

There are three types of Nafs. The first one is nafs-ul-ammarah.
 إِنَّ النَّفْسَ لَأَمَّارَةٌ بِالسُّوءِ
Indeed the nafs that overwhelmingly commands a person to do sin. [12:53]

The above nafs has complete control over us and has sovereign power on us since it is ammarah. It is so enticing that we follow all it commands us. If you believe in following what you desire, then, be assured that it is your nafs that is misleading you.
وَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالنَّفْسِ اللَّوَّامَةِ

The other one is mentioned above and it is the one that is self-incriminating and self-repproaching. This kind of nafs makes you feel bad, remorseful, regretful.In Arabic, the word لوم means blame, reprimand, upbraid, rebuke, reprove or scold.
To escape lawama or blame on the Day of Judgment, the best you can do is to strive to seek repentance from Allaah by accomplishing the general requirements of a believer.

There is the third one which is nafs-ul-mudhmainnah. Since Allaah speaks to us in different ways, it is up us to reflect and understand the weight of His messages.

يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً
To the righteous it will be said “oh reassured soul, return to your Lord well pleased, and pleasing to Him” [89:27-28]

If they are mudhma'in, then they are content with the commands of Allaah, The Creator. Such a person is happy and contentious with what Allaah has provided him or her. It is a life that has reached a state of serendipity, feels contentious and desirable of what comes from Allaah.

The Visible Enemy
One visible and dangerous enemy is your fellow human being. Whether a paternal or maternal relative, a childhood friend, a former student, co-worker, agemate, your own boss, your own wife or parents, your favorite sheikh or your beloved Muslim scholar, if you don't remain on guard of how they deal with you, you could be a victim of their misguidance. Following others blindly without having focus or not knowing the consequences of your actions could be a recipe for disaster. Listen carefully when listening to a Muslim scholar's lectures and if you find that he is misinterpreting some of the Ayahs or verses to his own advantage, try to correct him after the lecture is over and not immediately, otherwise, you could be a victim of condemnation or physical attack from his followers.

While a human being is the best of Allaah's creation, again, the positive behaviors of that same creature, at times shakes Allaah's Pavilion orThe Throne known as Al-Arsh. In one Mutawattir Hadith or narration---Mutawattir because of the number of people who narrated it were numerous and that it would have been impossible to be branded a lie,  "The Throne shook at the death of Sa‘d ibn Mu‘aadh (Al Bukhari, 3803; Jabbir, 2466, narrated by Jabbir). سعد ابن معاذ‎ was a Companion of the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) and Chief of the Aws Clan in Madina. In this narration about the shaking of the Arsh at the death of سعد ابن معاذ, a Muslim may "accept them as they come, without trying to interpret them" and also, "according to another report: Accept them as they come without discussing how (and their nature) (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in al-I‘tiqaad (p. 118).

The short chapter An-Nas, is enough to make you understand how evil a human being could be.

Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
The Sovereign of mankind.
The God of mankind,
From the evil of the retreating whisperer -
Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind -
From among the jinn and mankind."

Most of the past generations that suffered the brunts of Allah's punishments after rejecting the Messengers that brought them divine revelations, were misguided by rapacious interlocutors who were the most arrogant representatives. Fighting evil in unity should be our driving factors. Take note from the people of the cave and the dog. They slept 300 years plus 9, meaning 300 solar years and 9 lunar years totalling 309 years. The young men got unity, beseeched Allaah to intervene and protect them from the evils of the idol worshipping king and his followers.

As a proof that there were people before us who were destroyed for their dedication to human and idol worshipping, travel through the earth so you may have the chance to see for yourself what was the end of those who denied Allaah's messengers. In Egypt, there are the mighty pyramidal structures left behind by Pharaoh of the time of Moses (AS) and his cohorts Ammon (Haamaan) and Korah (Qaaruun). At least in every continent, whether on the North and South Poles in the Arctic or Antarctic that are known for ice accumulation or within desserts, forests, marshlands, along coastlines or in hinterlands, messengers traversed them to relay divine messages.

The last visible enemy is this world we call home. A container for the living and dead, the earth is full of allurement and entertainment. Since it is a delight for the eyes, it has physical attractions that are outrageously dangerous and misleading. Competition with others over wealth accumulation, having beautiful women, sons, fortresses and mansions, horses, and precious gold and anything else appealing are nothing but deceptions that prevail over your corrupted brain chemistry. The struggle to save enough money for a Prado, a well defined business, a banking account with heavy cash flows, flying first class in a Boeing or Airbus aircraft, having a personal chopper,  vacationing in Bangkok, Paris and New York are nothing but deceptions of the eyes.

وَمَا الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلَّا لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ ۖ وَلَلدَّارُ الْآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لِّلَّذِينَ يَتَّقُونَ ۗ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ - 6:32

"This worldly life is no more than play and amusement, but far better is the ˹eternal˺ Home of the Hereafter for those mindful ˹of Allah˺. Will you not then understand? (DR. MUSTAFA KHATTAB, THE CLEAR QURAN, Al-An'am, 6: 32)." It doesn't mean you have to totally abandon the life of this world, however, it simply means the life Hereafter is better if you knew. To restrain yourself from being taken for a ride by the four enemies mentioned above, perform the obligatory prayers, perform the pilgrimage, give charity to the poor, the needy, the orphans, the wayfarers, avoid Israaf or extravagance, care for your parents and live a humble life.

The Impact of Love on Human Heart
The human eye is the major force of destruction and detraction to the heart. Even while immersed in Dikr, the extraordinary destruction and detraction suffered by the heart as a result of visionary influence, distorts the believer's attention to The Creator.

Qais b. al Mulawih who was also known by the nickname 'Majnuun Layla’ or Layla’s mad lover', lived the era of Marwan bin al Hakam. Infatuated by an incurable love for Layla, Qais who later died at age 67 after wandering in the Arabian wilderness for a long time, left a poetic legacy to be inspired. In a translated Arabic poem, Qais had this to say:

"None but those who have experienced infatuated love (‘Ishq) know the true meaning of depression…And not all of those who claim they are in love are really in love."

"I pass by the home of Layla, kissing this wall and that wall… For it is not the love of the home that has captured my heart, but the love of those residing within it!"

"And there is none in the earth more wretched than a man in love… even if he finds that his whims taste sweet… you see him crying all of the time, fearing separation or yearn.”

The target of this essay was to reveal the four most dangerous enemies of humanity that have been repeatedly expounded by religious scholars, believing philosophers and even disbelieving men of wisdom.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dawaco iyo Yaxaas

Sheekooyiin tiro badan oo malo awaal ah ama sheeko xariir ah ayey Soomaalida ka sammeysay xayawaanka duur jooga ah ee loo yaqaan dawacada. In kasto aysan laheyn jir baaxad weyn, ka agdhowaanshaha deegaanada uu ku badanyahay adhiga, siiba riya cadka iyo laxaha aan is difaaci kareyn, ayaa u sahla in ay had iyo jeeraale qaaddo weerarro is dabajoog ah si ay cadkeeda u soo dhacsato.

Sida la ogsoonyahay, dawacadu ma quudato bakhtiga sida dhurwaaga ama waraabaha oo lagu yaqaan in uu raamsado haraadiga libaaxa, shabeelka, iyo haramcadka. Mana aha maangaab sida waraabaha oo hadda kahor intuu hal iyo nirigteeda soo weeraray, hashina candhada ka goostay, nirigtana bishimaha raf ka siyay deetana intuu goon goon isku tuuray, qosol la dhacay, deetana raacshay odhaahdii aheyd "maxay ka nuugtaa oo ku nuugtaa."

Cadkiis-magooste dhurwaaa waxaa ragaadiyey fuleynimo, laakiin burur, foori, iyo qosol xigga giddac giddac istuur, waa caadadiisa. Geesiga waa ka gaashaanka u daruura cadowgiisa e, in lax ugu geeraarto "waraabow maalin wacan", waa arrin u gaadh ah Xaar Saclaha garashada Yar.

Shaki kuma jiro in dhurwaaga yahay "fuley xaar dheer futo balaq balaq", waayo, waxaa marag ma doonto ah in hadda kahor uu arkay daanyeer daba guduudan. Intuu qalbiga ka hadlay ayuu yidhi, "qaarna hilib baa dabada kaga wadhwadhan, qaarna gaajaa soo ridday."

Lax badhi go'an, orgi boqonta maqantahay oo liicliicaya, ceesaan candho la', iyo waxar caloosha laga soo ruugay waxaa sababay gaadmada dawacada xilii adhi-jirkii geed qudhac ama qansax ah hoos jiifa ama harsanaya. Gabbal dhaca ama waaberiga weeye xilliga hororka iyo gaadmada dawacada ku talaxtegtey hawl qabadkeeda.

Dawadu waxay ku xeeldheertahay khayaanada ayadoo isticmaaleyso af macaan, laab soo jiidasho, iyo qalbi dhuux u sahla isticmaalka carrab ay ka soo ammaahatay yaxaas warmoog ahaa Sannadkii Yaxaas Gaad. Dawacadu, carrab u khaas ma aysan lahaan jirin oo hadalka wuu dhibi jiray. kaba soo qaad waxay lamid aheyd shigshigow.

Haddaba, waxaa hadda kahor dhacday qiso dhexmartay yaxaas iyo dawaco. Goorey eegtay asagoo jiifsan webiga jinkiisa, afkana kala qaaday, shimbirina dhex yuururta, ayey la yaabtay dheerarka carrabkiisa. Salaan kadib, dawaco waxay yaxaaski u sheegtay in ay dani weyn ka leedahay sidaasna ugu soo jarmaadday.

Waxay u sheegtay yaxaaski, in codsi yar ay u fuliso. Gooruu ku yiri oodda ka qaad sheekada, ayaa waxay u sheegtay in ay jeclaan laheyd in uu ammaahiyo carrabkiisa quruxda badan si ay ugu soo alalaasto ama ugu soo mashxaraddo arooskii walaasheed oo isla maalinkaa la qabanayey. Waxay ka ballan qaadday in uu maqli doono daryaanka carrabkiisa goortey durbaanada cartamayaan galbihi.

Dawaco wey ku ballan furtay yaxaaski, mana aysan soo celin carrabki xilligi lagu ballamay. Goor waaga beryay ayey dawacadi is keentay webiga qarkiisa, una sheegtay yaxaaski in aysan soo celineyn carrabki. Wuxuu ugu goodiyey in biyo webi dambe aysan kabban doonin. Ayadina waxay ugu jawaabtay, "xareedda Eebbe iyo bilbilka abbaay baa ka badan."

Battles of the Past

Introduction First and foremost, I would like to inform our ardent reader that I started writing this book on the 23rd of August, 2024. The...